Anything but the truth, the fact the reality… Anything but making the bad better… Anything but trying to find consensus instead of difference…Anything for the politician instead of for the people, by the people, of the people…
America 2010 has turned into a land of ism’s phobias, we/theys. America has become a place where the Constitution is written for some, equality is owned by a few, and enemies are sought with friends limited to some kind of made up litmus test.
A fifth of the American population think President Obama is a Muslim; if he was a Muslim who should care, but he isn’t. Islamaphobia has begun to run rampant in this country fueled by Conservative Republican/Tea Baggers who need hearsay and innuendo to reclaim power and politics. Shouts of no mosque at Ground Zero are the new motto from a band of bullies who have no answers for our economic woes, our health care crisis, and our environmental worries. Confuse the problems by creating self made issues and the uneducated, scapegoating lemming like public that has no idea of how to pull themselves up from their own bootstraps is preoccupied with fact less hate as they drown in man made sinister misery.
Dr Laura and her cohort Mama Grizzly, Sister Sarah are all appalled that their First Amendment rights have been denied, as they shout the F word or the N word on the airwaves. Both Pit Bull Mama’s ‘boo-hoo’ the facts that hate speech will and should call for a response from others who also want to use their First Amendment Rights. Both women, seeing nothing but their side of the issue, can’t understand why Dr. Laura’s sponsors no longer want to pay for Dr. Laura to discriminate and use her racist bully pulpit for fear of losing dollars from a public who is not racist. Free speech is just that, something available for those who hate and for those who hate the haters.
Some Conservative Republican/Tea Bagger politicians want to dismantle the 14th Amendment. (The 14th Amendment was adopted after the Civil War to guarantee citizenship to blacks and anyone born on U.S. soil.). They supposedly want to keep those brown skinned illegals from finding some loophole into gaining citizenship in this country. Where does the hate stop? Will we now question every mother who conceives as to the purpose of why she is giving birth to a child? Some good ole’ boy politicians from the Republic of Texas have uncovered a plot from the citizens of the Twilight Zone and are sure many mothers are giving birth to babies in this country, known as “terror babies”, so as to raise the child as an American in his/her youth but to have brain washed he/she as a young adult in order to become a suicide bomber. According to these paranoid delusional Americans if the color of your skin is not Jesus white you have ulterior motives in getting pregnant.
Add the moves in some states to abolish the 17th Amendment where states directly vote for senators, a drive to deny equal marriage rights for same sex marriages, the close association of church’s to assist in the selection of politicians ignoring the origins of keeping church state separate and having no official state religion and we have a country teetering on Marshall Law, dictatorship, so filled with xenophobia, racism and homophobia that it will collapse inward on itself. Add people like Sister Sarah who rely on the Second Amendment to solve all social and political issues by telling her gang of hate filled goons to ‘RELOAD’ if they don’t like how the current Constitution reads and anarchy, animosity and anger turn into violence and war.
Where do we apply the brakes to all of this “ism”, “phobia”, fear mongering, unintelligent banter and bigotry? Do we have to reelect a Conservative Republican/Tea Bagger brigade of self serving politicians into office before this hatred and defiance of the Constitution ends? (because it is they who originate the fear) Do we have to go back to a nation that wants the division of the wealthy to the poor to be larger, longer lasting? Do we go back to a nation whose politicians cow tow to the corporations; do their bidding so they can pocket the profits? Do we begin to rewrite the Constitution so there is no longer any hope for the minorities, those with disabilities, differing religions, no religion, gender discrimination, LGBT community?
Why does this nation seem to crave anything but the truth? Why are we so intent on listening to the loser, the lame the ludicrous? What happened to the American voice which sings of freedom and justice for all?
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