Seems some loser, self victimized hoodlums and hoods in Stanton Island, New York have taken it upon themselves to find, torment and kill those they deem as illegal, those they decide are guilty those who look Mexican. Two men have been found guilty of self selecting a person they assumed was Mexican (thus automatically an illegal) and kill him. They were judge and jury and the punishment for illegals was to kill. Their hue and cry was that jobs were being taken away from real Americans. And with the zeal and zest for blood, and the assumption that the second amendment was the 11th commandment from God, shot and killed an easy, innocent unsuspecting target. The victim may have somehow, in the eyes of those blind with irresponsibility and idiocy, looked like a Mexican but in fact he was Salvadorian. It did not matter because in the eyes of the brain dead no morals or values bastard's... brown skinned people are all the same...BAD!
In an age when unemployment, recession, a slow economy run rampant so rampantly run are the fingers pointing to others as the cause of pain and suffering. When a remedy is needed to fix the problem those without answers, those without conscience, those without intelligence never look inward but look outward for blame. Politicians, never one to own up to their mistakes, who find more time to flirt and spoon with lobbyists, who would rather further their career, start the finger pointing, plant innuendo and add fuel to the fires by passing laws that do everything to hurt and very little to help. Take the responsibility off of them and place the pit, the seed of woe and worry on a minority. Remember lynch mobs?
The National Socialist Party of Germany, under the leadership of a deranged and paranoid Adolph Hitler did the same thing. All economic problems were the sole fault of the Jews. The Jews took jobs away from the average German, they raised prices, they were the cause from anything to bad crops to lack of jobs. They were really NOT Germans. As we know words led to deeds and deeds led to death.
But for all the illegals out there, like your other enemy number one evil doer the Muslims, you too may breathe a short sigh of relief due to the actions of Judge Vaughn Walker, who over turned Prop 8 in California. Seems the LGBT community once again will rise to the top of the Republican Religious Right/Tea Bagger/Aryan Nation/Evangelical/Church of Latter Day Saints hit list because, gays might actually be able to marry. In God's America (Jesus, the one who only Evangelicals pray to and the one who strode the plains of Utah) is unhappy. When he wrote the Constitution of this nation he certainly did not want the love of people of the same sex to be reason to wed. He might have helped the lepers but no way he is in favor of Adam and Steve joining in holly matrimony.
In protecting this Christian, white male dominated nation groups like the illegals (aka Mexicans), Muslims, and the LGBT community are listed as the potential donors for the destruction of democracy, the fatherland, and equality. Those three groups are a triple threat just as Communism, socialism and fascism seem to be.
But never on the top ten list of criminals destroying the fabric of this nation are Glenn Beck nor Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin is the protector of the Christian faith because she is demanding that this country choose Christianity over Islam as the national religion and wants to be the decider as to where any mosque is to be built. She has protested from her Ivory Tower that good Muslims, who really care about America will not build their house of prayer where they wish, but where she wishes and wants. In Sarah land the part in the Constitution that says separation between church and state, the freedom to choose your religious beliefs is nil and void. She of course by denying rights unlike those who want rights is not UnAmerican. And good ole' Glenn Beck is now promoting the website and racist beliefs of a whites only group. He has told his one brain-celled viewers via his talking chalk board, his tear soaked eyes, his plea from the soap box that white Americans need to take back this land. It was a white man's land to begin with (never mind the Indians), and it is a white man's land to reclaim. His bigotry, bias and bile of course do not rip and tear at the fabric of this nation but those who, like the first European inhabitants made this nation a melting pot from mixed nationalities and ethnicity's are the ones who will make the empire crumble.
Muslim, illegals (Mexicans), Gays it seems based on the bizarre bull shit from those who say they speak for God and the founding fathers are the top most wanted suspects in an assumed potential destruction of America. Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, king and queen, Momma Pit Bull Father Bottomless Pit are the saviors and saints and top the list of God Bless America. One group wants inclusion the other group desires exclusion and exile.
Seems we have a choice, so lets make the correct one...finally!
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