Well, for any of those out there that have a conscience or care who have a soul or a sense of justice, who define democracy as equal for all get ready to remember these days as the good old days because all hell is ready to break through during the mid term elections of 2010.
The newest declaration defying the Constitution by the Tea Baggers/Republican leadership is to stop any and all mosques from being built anywhere in America. It is an idea embraced by those who seem to forget that separation of church and state was one of the first tenants our founding fathers fought for. It seems Islam is not a religion we can tolerate in this Christian nation of America, nor can we permit Muslims from enjoying any freedom because they are soldiers for Allah, all of them. The crusaders for Christ, not the Catholic Christ but the one of the Baptists, Evangelicals and Fundamentalists are the true soldiers. The God they believe in can not be tolerant because he is the one who found America, wrote the Star Spangled Banner, and helped Betsy Ross sew the flag ONLY for white Christians.
In the good old days in this country, the Jews were restricted from living in certain communities, practicing medicine in certain hospitals, recreating at certain country clubs, and participating in sports and socials at YMCA's. In Pittsburgh and at least a dozen of major metropolitan cities some of the suburbs had deed restrictions, the fine print not permitting houses sold to Negros, Catholics and Jews. In Pittsburgh the Jewish community built its own hospital so Jewish doctors could operate and meet patients. In Pittsburgh most of the country clubs had membership restrictions because Negros and Jews would surely pollute the air the true blue blood straight off the Mayflower white Christian Americans breathed.
In the good old days, prior to 1967 the United States had laws denying any interracial marriages from becoming legal. Known as the miscegenation laws, the permission of the mixing of different racial groups in marriage finally became law. Prior to that just like the anti same sex marriage protesters (the Pastors, Ministers, Clergy) took the soap box to translate the Constitution in terms of the New Testament, and declared interracial marriage a sin, a spit in the eye, a slap in the face of God's (the Christian God's) creationism. And as if history had to repeat itself, the majority of white Christian citizens in California took to a vote that they wanted permission to NOT sell your home to Blacks or Hispanics, and marriage was one man one woman, but one white man and one white woman.
In the good old days in the South mostly but due East and North also Negros still had less equal and more separate but equal. We went to war in trying to make all Americans equal, hundreds of thousands or men dying, but clergy, politician spewing the same religious rhetoric and quotes from passages of the Bible swore the real America was not one that included Negros as respondents of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The civil rights act of 1964 was set in motion so riding in the back of the bus, two separate water fountains, lynchings for black men looking at white women would cease and desist.
Real Americans, brave Americans, Americans who with conscience, intelligence, a sense of true American history changed the good old days into days of equal, just, and right. They turned away from the religious practitioners who sold snake oil and blasphemed Gods true intentions. They challenged those same religious hierarchy henchmen who put their human nature before the nature of God. Real Americans who did not need scapegoats or villains to justify their sordid and sad lives said goodbye to the good old days.
And if you have been following the results of the primaries, the fake news on FOX, the disgust and guile from Palin, Beck and Limbaugh, you have heard a yearning a yen a return to the good old days. The days when only White, only Christians, only Heterosexuals would be free to reap the rewards our white only Christian founding fathers expected.
Enjoy your freedoms while you can Jews, Catholics, Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, the Disabled, the Elderly, cause you have been living on borrowed time. The Constitution will be changed to restrict no include t deny and not accept. The lemmings have been let loose, the unintelligent have been energized, and bigots are begging for your head.
Aw, the good old days.
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