Thursday, August 5, 2010

a lullaby of amnesia

A lullaby of amnesia serenaded by a symphony of forget seems to be sweeping America from Sister Sarah Palin’s perceived heartlands to every Tea Baggers description of the evil shores of New York City and San Francisco.

Memory loss has dumbed down the public, the lack of insight has blinded the population, and history repeating itself has become a very contagious virus. It no longer is important to garner any gain from past mistakes, build a stronger foundation from the ruins of the ridiculous nor ruminate over the squanders and spillage from the greedy and gluttonous. Fact now is told through the faces on FOX News, the racist, homophobic, freaks from the Tea Party, and the Fundamentalist Evangelicals who promote hate, intolerance and violence on behalf of Jesus.

Yesterday, BP, with the help of a very eager to please Obama administration announced that suddenly, presto change-o 75% of the oil spilled in the Gulf has disappeared. HURRAHS, could be heard from the board room of BP, to the bank accounts of the BP share holders, the spin machine of the white house, and the oil cartel lobbyists. Soon the greatest environmental disaster to hit the Gulf, the killing of eleven people, the deadly devastation to wild life will be a blip on the past. It will be referred to as some silly incident that too many people huffed and puffed about way too loud. We will go back to embracing the virtues of carbon produced energy and any talk about clean energy will be dismissed as anti American, Islam loving, Communistic propaganda.

Two days ago, the voters in Missouri, the ‘show me state’, showed their indifference to the health and welfare of the citizens of that state. They voted “yes” by an overwhelming majority to eliminate a key feature of the new health reform bill, insisting that all Americans obtain health insurance. Lead by the delightfully demonic devils of the Tea Party, who insist government has no right to keep you healthy, the show me state citizens showed just how stupid they are. The past rearing its ugly head, where Insurance cartels could raise prices at a whim, where for any reason it seemed too expensive for the cartels a patient could be cut from coverage, and pre-existing conditions such as breathing could sound a cancel the claim alarm began once again wafting in the summer breeze waiting to blow like a hurricane in Missouri.

And continuously since the election of Barak Obama as President, Glenn Beck has begun to resurrect the ever God Bless America rhetoric of Senator Eugene McCarthy and has been asking, “…are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party..?” But because, this is, after all the 20 tens, Mr. Paranoia Delusional has added to the Communist party…Socialist, Muslim, non Christian and Gay.

Senator McCarthy was able, in the 1950’s, to persuade with sheer innuendo, fable and foibles, and dangling participles, the American public to question why anyone’s motivations who might care or voice an opinion about the poor, the unions, the welfare of single mothers and their children, the immigrant as evil doers from the planet BE BAD. He insists that the dissenter has no positive motivations but rather negative and devious plans to over throw a government made for white Christian predominately male Americans. Mr. McCarthy carefully crafted a “we/they” argument, and helped sort out who should be in which camp. Mr. Beck has resurrected the same vile and venomous double speak.

Glenn Beck has honed in on the self victimizing segment of the public who need to find scapegoats to blame for the ill condition of their own lives. He has courted those who need to find a fan to flame their intolerance, who do not want to be educated by reason but schooled in lies. He has successfully found villains and demons and his appeal seems to grow and grow.

Senator McCarthy was found to lie, cheat, divide and diminish the lives of innocent Americans and to decay the fabric of a free democracy where debate and discourse thrived. McCarthy was found to be a criminal and a coward and most Americans were finally relieved that justice found its bull’s eye. And now we have a new iteration of that devil in Glenn Beck and he is being received with a hero’s welcome. His brand of Americanism is taking hold reviving the blast from the past McCarthyism.

And perhaps in November of 2010 the biggest bout of forget-me-nots will arrive on the shores of this great nation when the voting public will throw all caution, all fact, all reason to the wind and reelect into office the ruling party of the Bush/Cheney dictatorship, the Republicans. The current party of “NO”, who during the 8 years of greed, gluttony, grisly wars and greased palms said YES when it related to their political coffers, the wealthy, corporations and denizens of racist, homophobic, bigoted voters have found their way into the hearts of brain dead voters. The same politicians who laid the groundwork for a recession teetering on depression, who denied any rules or regulations for controlling the immoral actions of the Financial, Energy and Health Care Cartels, who sought to divide rather than find consensus, who elected activist judges to the Supreme Court, are now the darlings of the American public. The Tea Bagger/Republican candidates are humming the same tune they hummed no too long ago and it seems too many Americans are ready to dance to that tune one more time.

Music usually is settling and soothing, but the reprise we hear this year is blaring noise heard only by those who would rather divide and conquer. That music drowns out reason and rational and only inspires more and more mad mayhem from suppressed symphonies of the past. It is a lullaby for lemmings that take no initiative for change, but follow the pied piers that will lovingly lead them to the cliff and longingly let them leap to their death.

Lest we forget, we will regret. We can’t be lulled by lullabies that place us in a comatose state and not a good night’s sleep. When amnesia becomes an aphrodisiac and arouses our dimmed senses then we all will drown in dumb and dumber.

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