Sadly Senator McCain you have lost the luster of a man with conscience, a man with ideals, a man who understands what being an American really is all about. You have become overwhelmed in pleasing the lame, the imbecile, the bigot and the hate mongers. And you have become most involved in salvaging a political career that has, like you, grown tired, stale, irrelevant, and senile.
You flirted with, dated and sought a married woman while you were married and thought nothing of the values of your marriage or the institution of marriage as you cheated on your first wife. Yet now in your world of hypocrisy, pleasing the Tea Bagger, pulling at straws, you have the audacity to insist marriage should be a holy union between one man and one woman. Your pompous stance on the values of marriage apparently were not based on your baseless adventures in adultery.
You stated that depending on what the armed services leadership decided about Gays in the military, you would listen, respect and follow their lead. You stated in public that the officers in the field were the ones to make judgement on the future of honest, patriotic men and women who just wanted to protect their country and defend democracy who just happened to be Gay and Lesbian. You struggled with equality for all Americans, but seemed reasonable in waiting for the military brass to provide guidance.
And when the majority of officers in the field felt their was no issue with true Americans serving together, you once again flip flopped. You failed to find value and honor in their statements and dismissed the decision of those you asked to come forward. And in your best form of hypocrisy changed your mind and sought out the homophobes from the Tea Bagger Brigade who hate America, hate Americans and want to rewrite the Constitution as a document that limits freedoms rather than expand them.
When you were the 'maverick' (that your protegee, Sister Sarah Palin so overly to ad nausea describes you as), you wanted to find consensus and sensible solutions for illegal immigration in this country. You actually were able to move your arm and reach across the aisle and communicate with the opposing party. You actually, THEN realized that the history of this country was based on immigration and wanted to make the process fair, just and equitable. NOW rigor mortis has moved from your brain to your arm and the only reach you attempt is to talk to the Tea Baggers and communicate in hate bigotry and bias.
You have the same ailment as most Republicans who have no backbone or sense of honest and lie about the meaning of your original words. You plead you were taken out of context and deny having said anything that speaks of equality and fairness for all. Instead you recite the mantra of the disenfranchised who need others to blame for their lack of will and champion the dumb and ignore democracy.
Senator McCain had you not fought for this country and defended the values and virtues and decried the lack of freedom your behavior today would be easily understood as that of a self serving selfish man. But you spent time in a prison, tortured and denied human and civil rights.
You knew better because you experienced the worst mankind could present. What happened Senator? Stop this current maddening mayhem you have created. Do your family a favor, do America a favor and find a cave a hole in the ground where angry, bigoted people gather and stay there in darkness and never come out. You no longer understand the context upon which this great nation was, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. You are the graying shadow of a once great man who no longer cares about what is right for this nation, rather what is right for the those who care little about freedom. Go away Senator McCain, take what is left of your reputation and salvage some sense of value. No one will miss you!
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