How come...if Sister Sarah Palin is so sure of her convictions, her information, her resources she never is available to debate, to interview to chat with those who have different views than she? How come...if Sister Sarah Palin is always right as rain, she feels so uncomfortable in front of audiences who are not made up of 'momma grizzlies or momma pit bulls'? How come... if Sister Sarah speaks the truth she so often has to delete her twitter account, dismiss any audio or video as being tampered with, telling her band of fools who follow her every word that her every word seems to be misquoted when it appears in main stream press?
How come...if those like the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) and the Mormons (Church of Latter Day Saints) argue that the Institution of Marriage is sacred and will be soiled by same sex couple never find fault with adulterers and those who participate in infidelity? How come...if those like the James Dobson and his Focus on the Family bullies insist one-man one woman is God's way they protest the men and women who decide to take a second and third partner, cheating while married or having affairs whole married? How come the Institution of Marriage as argued by the hate mongers of Prop 8 in California who insist procreation is the foundation for marriage, never stand with placards in front of the homes of those couples who just don't want kids?
How come...if it is always for the kids, the first line item budget to be dropped in State, County and Municipal budgets is education? How come...If it is always for the children and their future, the Evangelicals who call out anything perceived gay, never call out the Insurance companies for denying adequate and reasonably priced insurance for the kids? How come the same Born Again's never protest the Oil Cartels for polluting the earth, the same earth the kids it is always about are about to inherit? How come the Catholic Church which finds condoms a sin don't sell their treasures of stolen art and pay for food, medical care and education for the millions of babies born into poverty?
How come... America can be a progressive country and elect a black president, but during his term in office permit racism to rise? How come...if we had 8 years of tax breaks for the wealthy, no regulations for the Health Insurance, Oil, Finance Cartels, and found ourselves in the most dire of economic conditions the public is ready to vote the same bums in office who created that mess? How come the party of no for America but yes for themselves even has any chance of regaining power in this country, to repeat a history of greed and gluttony?
How come Americans are always reactionaries? How come the dumb seem to be running the elections cycles? How come Glenn Beck can spew hate, bigotry and bias, and the religious leaders of this nation remain silent? How come the same Republicans who catered to the needs of corporations and the lobbyists, who created the worst recession since the Great Depression have no remorse or conscience and consider those who receive a mere average of $300 for unemployment UnAmerican, lazy and deserve no monetary assistance? how come we care more about the imprisonment of Lindsey Lohan, Snooky's sun tan, who will replace Simon on American Idol, then the problems of gangs in America, unemployment, the cost of health insurance, the future of the war in Afghanistan? How come idiots who recite false passages from the Constitution, continue to ask about Barack Obama's birth certificate, want to arm every citizen with a gun if they don't like the results of an election are the candidates chosen by Republican voters? How come...
How come we never seem to have discussions on finding consensus, what we have in common, civility? How come the smart seem silent and the dumb just rant and rave? How come sanity has not found its place in 2010?
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