Dear Mr. Gregg Steinhafel, CEO of Target Stores,
This is America and as any citizen of this great country you have the freedom to support any candidate, any political platform, and any cause in which you find redeeming and responsible value. You are a CEO and in this great capitalistic nation of ours you have the fiscal duties to your shareholders, and to the corporation to which you are given vast responsibility to run. We live in a land that encourages freedom and with the passage of Women’s Suffrage, the Civil Rights Bill, ADA, we pride ourselves as becoming more and more inclusive as to most everyone in this nation becoming equal, not equal but separate, but equal. We live in a land that until recently with advent of the Tea Party/Neo Cons/Fox News used to be more concerned with fair and just and enjoyed the rewards of providing more freedoms instead of denying any of them.
Mr. Gregg Steinhafel, you recently, as CEO of Target and as its representative, donated $150,000 to Rep. Tom Emmer running for Governor of Minnesota on the Republican ticket. Tom Emmer has made it publicly clear that he opposes gay marriage, civil unions, gay adoption, and benefits for gay partners. By his position on all topics gay it seems that Tom Emmer believes that America should be a land of two tiered rights and freedoms. If you are heterosexual, no matter an adulterer, practicing infidelity, cheating, divorced two, three, fours times, you should have any and all rights, but if you are a member of the LGBT community, no matter how strong your love is for your partner or children you deserve NO rights.
Mr. Gregg Steinhafel do you believe as does Mr. Tom Emmer that it is NOT about how much you love someone in order to marry, but rather who you love is the priority? Do you believe marriage is NOT about love? Because so many heterosexuals, Mr. Gregg Steinhafel, hate their spouses, feel they had to marry because of societal pressures, never loved their spouses but settled for them. Do you love your spouse? (Fair question Mr. Gregg Steinhafel because by supporting Mr. Tom Emmer you and he suppose I as a gay man don’t love my spouse). Why not pry into your personal life as you and Tom are prying into mine.
Rep. Tom Emmer, the man to whom you as CEO of Target donated $150,000 for his gubernatorial campaign, is a fan of a Christian ‘punk rocker’ that supports the killing of gays.(I find it hard to believe any true Christian who says he speaks for Jesus can in the same sentence condone killing gays, but I am Jewish so maybe I really don’t know). Do you condone the killing of gays? Would you kill them after they made a significant purchase in one of your Target stores or maybe after they returned merchandise?) Do you want a governor of Minnesota or any state governing the citizens of that state, knowing that at any moment he/she might find cause and justice in killing some of those citizens…because, God forbid they are gay?
Mr. Gregg Steinhafel you wrote. "As you know, Target has a history of supporting organizations and candidates, on both sides of the aisle, who seek to advance policies aligned with our business objectives, such as job creation and economic growth...Let me be very clear, Target's support of the GLBT community is unwavering, and inclusiveness remains a core value of our company."
You seem to justify in your statement that there should be no blood on your hands because Target supports candidates and causes on both sides of the aisle. Let bygones be bygones you seem to infer. You also seem to insist that for Target the business objectives of job creation and growth are much more important than civil rights, equal rights. You helped the gays, so now help a man who wants to deny equal rights to the gays, and who taps his toes to the music of an idiot who sings about killing gays. Is that fair, Mr. Gregg Steinhafel. Is denying equal rights, killing gay’s part of your business plan? Your conscience does not bother you assisting a man to eliminate rights of members of the American population and perhaps killing a few members of the LGBT community?
I am a gay man Mr. Gregg Steinhafel, I am a father, I am a citizen, I am an American, I am no greater than you but I am also no less then you. I can not allow people like you to discriminate and use the excuse that it is good for business to support those who do discriminate. This is a free country and so far, (until the Constitution is revamped and edited by candidates for office like Mr. Tom Emmer who hate freedom and are bigots) people like you can vote in office self serving, biased, racist, homophobes, but is that how Target stores think? Is that how Target would vote?
Think again Mr. Gregg Steinhafel, perhaps Mr. Tom Emmer has the same business philosophy as you, do you have the same immoral fiber he does? Easy question, and how do you answer it Mr. Gregg Steinhafel, CEO of Target Stores?
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I so luv this! I would like to share this on my facebook! May I have your permission? Thank you ~Athena
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