Saturday, January 8, 2011

in Tucson

Congress Woman Giffords was shot while speaking to her Constituents in Tucson Arizona. Sadly some others in the audience and on the podium were also attacked and some killed. Sadly lives have been lost, hurt and forever stilted.

I watched MSNBC and heard the various reports about the incident, some facts and some fiction, all with intention to provide the news, but sometimes to present the news first. Sadly, in trying to present the breaking news some real facts were omitted, and revised and spoken about again. Perhaps in this 24 hour news-rating land in which we live first trumps fact.

In reporting about the shooting and murders in Tucson the MSNBC reporters interviewed both Republican and Democratic politicians trying to infer that this shooting of a Democrat Congress Person was not a partisan action and in fact a bi-partisan concern.

I want to believe that many Republican politicians who found camera time to shake their heads and ring their fingers are sincere in their response to this tragedy. I want to believe that no matter what your party affiliation life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is an American value and a human trait. I want to believe that those who found impassioned words about this horrific incident want to make change.

I am quite amazed however, that the majority of politicians interviewed by MSNBC are Republicans. And I wonder why while having all those Republicans on the air, open to dialogue not one reporter has asked any of these Republicans, do you think when people like Sarah Palin, Sharron Angle, Glenn Beck, talk about taking aim, make a target, second amendment rights can cure the problem, that someone who has taken aim has any connection? When violence first started during the debate on Health Reform and many of those in favor of Health Reform had their offices targeted with rocks, or hate mail, I wonder why the Republicans were not asked if this bit of violence was a carry over from the Republicans never saying anything negative about that violence?

We don't know why Ms Gifford's was shot at and why those killed had to die under the gun of some mad man. We do know that ever since the rise of the Tea Bagger revolution embraced by the Republicans tyranny and treason has been the rallying call. We do know that during many a Tea Bag candidate rally mention was made that if ballots don't work bullets may have to do the job. We do know that the denizens of deceit via the Conservative right wing talk jocks mentioned that target practice, taking them out anyway necessary was a possibility and a hot topic.

I am presenting no conspiracy theory, but I am presenting a fact that the angry rhetoric or using violence to fix the political situation has been and still is loud and proud. I am presenting the theory that when some inane, insane incident, like the shooting and murder of politicians and innocent bystanders takes place and no one evens asks what relationship it has to crazy right wing threats, something is wrong.

Since the Republicans and Democrats found time to talk today about the incident in Tucson isn't it time they be honest and talk about the roots of hate planted by both.

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