Noise! Lot’s of it echoing, bumping into walls, cascading escalating into anger. We are like chickens running around as if the sky IS falling, all running around as if our heads have been chopped off, all looking elsewhere never within. Moments of silence, questions of what caused this, what do you think, I didn’t do it, it was just a crazy person, we should make change, but just talking, just wasting time deciding if we should do anything at all.
People who said that Health Care was a Socialist plot to take over the Government who bullied political officials at town hall meetings, who carried guns to political rallies, who carried signs of using a bullet if the ballot didn’t work, we talked and talked and talked about them and did nothing but talk, nothing at all.
People who were ready to form their own militias, to arm themselves, to pick and choose who they thought were Americans, based on their own biases and bigotries, ready to take on the Illegal Immigrant situation in the nation. We talked about them, and rung our hands, and sighed, but did nothing at all.
People who knew that it was all Muslims, anyone who believed in Mohammad and not in Jesus, who were giving all their money to terrorist causes, who only wanted Jihad in America, we heard their paranoid, malicious banter, saw their angry mobs, listened to their unreasonable facts and we did nothing at all.
It’s the Tea Baggers, it the Progressives, it’s the Church, its Sarah Palin, its Keith Olbermann it seems to be anyone to blame but ourselves. How much foreshadowing, how many times does history have to repeat itself, how many names have to be called, how far right or how far left do we have to wander, until we realize we should stop the madness?
Today there was a moment of silence in Washington. Today and tomorrow there will be little legislative work done in Congress, the repeal of the Health Bill has been postponed, and angst ridden Congress People and their spouses are chatting about better security for them and their families.
No one from Washington has stepped forward to say, I wonder what I have done to exasperate THIS violent, virulent, vitriol that helped lead to THIS mad man shooting and killing people. No one in Washington has said I need to look at my actions and find the connection between what I do and what has been done. It is always someone else’s fault, or never connection between my actions and acts of insane violence.
All I hear is noise, a loud hard din of I didn’t do it, don’t blame me, and then nothing at all after that.
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