What is 'blood libel'?
Abe Foxman, the national director of the Anti-Defamation League, said that it was "inappropriate at the outset to blame Sarah Palin and others for causing this tragedy," but added that "we wish that Palin had not invoked the phrase 'blood libel' in reference to the actions of journalists and pundits in placing blame for the shooting in Tucson on others."
"While the term 'blood libel' has become part of the English parlance to refer to someone being falsely accused, we wish that Palin had used another phrase, instead of one so fraught with pain in Jewish history," he said.
And Simon Greer, the president of Jewish Funds for Justice, called Palin's use of the term "totally out-of-line."
"The term “blood libel” is not a synonym for 'false accusation,' he said. "It refers to a specific falsehood perpetuated by Christians about Jews for centuries, a falsehood that motivated a good deal of anti-Jewish violence and discrimination." (NBC News)
Instead of saying: perhaps my metaphors, perhaps my innuendo, perhaps my rhetoric, perhaps my actions may have been misconstrued but I meant no harm. Instead of saying, let me reflect on my own words and deeds and better understand how others viewed them. Instead of saying, I believe my freedom of speech has made others anxious, dubious, and skeptical, let me take a look closer at that. Instead of all of that Sarah Plain has now added another dimension to an already out of control situation inflamed the fury of discontent and dismissed those who argue with her tactics as being blood libel. Instead of what may I have done, it is look what you did to me.
Instead of addressing a problem that started with scare tactics like death panels, bullets over ballots, time to reload, “you lie”, socialism, communism, Nazi’s, second amendment options, crosshairs, violence, murder, civil discontent, fiction instead of fact, Ms. Palin’s handlers grabbed a sad state of Christian history to compare her plight as a Christian(a victim) pelted and hunted by Jews. Once again when the bully gets caught they try to become the victim.
And if those who feel guilty because of their actions… or guilt by association because of their deeds… or guilty because they refuse to see the escalation of fear mongering rising due to loose words without respect, ethics values or morals to others, NOW want to change the subject… shame on all of them. And if the media, people with clear conscience permit those guilty parties to reshape the agenda, change the agenda redefine the agenda from the real to the perceived to shield them from any responsibility… shame on all of them!
Until those who incite violence, live by vitriol and venom admit they are a part of the problem (as is the usual case in this county) history will repeat, repeat and repeat itself. Until the dance of denial is stopped in its tracks history will repeat and repeat itself. Until we address the truth and stop the lies, history will repeat itself. Until people like Sarah Palin stop creating a division assuring her lemming like followers it is safe to hate, we will never conquer the real demons. We talk about you Sarah because all you do is divide and conquer.
I had not even considered the term blood libel for this situation nor thousands other, but now that the genie’s out of the bottle and Pandora’s Box has opened as it was with the death panels, birth certificates, God hates Gays, we all will waste our time debating whether Sarah is right or wrong, at the consequences of ignoring the real issues. One of the most divisive people in America has once again managed to keep the ‘us vs. them rhetoric alive. Next thing is, I wonder when the Jews will be the new target of blame for the horrendous actions that took place in Tucson. If we did it to the Christians once we sure as hell are capable of doing it again. Sarah, the libel you are guilty is lying.
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