Friday, January 21, 2011


I am offended...
...when Governor Bentley, Republican of Alabama, told a crowd at Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church on Monday that if they haven’t accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, they are not his brother or his sister. I am offended when he takes two days to be persuaded by his handlers to give a non apology, stating that if HE did indeed hurt anyone he certainly did not mean to. I am offended when an elected official within the United States forgets that there is a division between church and state, and implies that Christianity is the supreme religion and those who believe his way earn his respect.

AND I am greatly offended when each and every Preacher, Priest, Imam and Rabbi in America remain silent in their protest regarding the separation of church and state.

I am offended...
...when NOM (National Organization for Marriage), continues to harass, harangue and hinder the rights for American Gays and Lesbians to gain equality in marriage, but refuse to list their donors. I am offended when each and every debate, or court hearing about the equality for marriage asks for facts from NOM as to why they oppose equality and the only reason supplied is we don't think it is normal. I am offended that if you believe in non-equality for Gays and Lesbians, you are such a coward as to not identify yourself to the public.

AND I am greatly offended when those who marry for the second, third or fourth time, those who participate in adultery, infidelity and cheating and lying to their spouses are not accused of destroying the Institution of Marriage and how silent NOM remains in their disdain for those kind of actions.

I am offended...
...when the Glenn Beck displays Nazi symbolism and paraphernalia on his blackboard, refers to the President as Hitler like, infers and implies that what is happening to this country is the same that happened in Germany. I am offended when he diminishes the office of President with lies, hate, bigotry and bias and never once admits he is speaking from his own insecurities. I am offended when he relies on fear, loathing, destructive diatribes and says all he is doing is acting like a red white and blue American.

AND I am offended when real true Red White and Blue Americans do nothing at all to counter his offensive lies, call his bluff, and correct his definition of what being an American is all about.

I am offended...
...When suddenly all the hate talk, all the re-load speech all of the target practice, all of the bringing your guns to political rallies all the vile vitriol created by the Republican/Tea Baggers is suddenly a problem of anyone but them. I am offended when the Republican/Tea Baggers open Pandora's Box of bullets over ballots, let the cross hairs on the map genie out of the bottle and blame their behavior on anyone but themselves. I am offended when compromise comes from anyone but the Republican/Tea Baggers.

AND I am offended that the bully gets away with his/her actions and when approached cowers in the dark distance saying you made me do it.

I am offended that the good guy is always the one apologizing, playing by the rules, looking for consensus and the bad guy simply snickers as he sets the trap to snare and spoil the advancement of compromise and care. I am offended when those who speak for God never hear what he has said. I am offended when the Constitution of this great nation is read as if it was like Cliff's Notes and some of the facts and reality goes missing. And I am offended that too many people sit idly by as the fringe, the freaks, the fearful speak louder and louder, empowering the selfish, sinister, and self serving control the agenda.

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