Sunday, January 23, 2011

religion resonates

I wonder, when religion no longer resonates with reason, takes on a holier than thou hate haughtiness, becomes more human and less God like, will the Higher Powers we say we believe in step forward and intervene? How many more years do we ignore the enlightenment of religion and replace it with a self serving, divisional delirium, that is only designed to destroy and conquer?

When we are told by those who, say they have good conservative Christian values, that health care for all is evil, that the unemployed are only unemployed because they are lazy and deserve little to few benefits, that assistance to the disabled, those needing organ transplants, the home bound are too costly I wonder how the hell is that being a good Christian at all. When I watch Orthodox Rabbi's joining allegiances with politicians who hate minorities,who don't support same sex marriage, want to deny basic American rights to all Americans, I wonder how God like Jewish is that. When the Pope refuses to set in motion any REAL Vatican law to stop, to pursue, to place on trial Priests who are molesters and pedophiles, but find the wherewithal to protest homosexuality, anti AIDS education, I wonder how Jesus does not come to earth and smash St Paul's Cathedral.

We recently witnessed an assassination attempt on a politician in Tucson, and the murder and shooting of 20 people. We all had our moment of silence, those of us who need to pray to a God found our houses of worship, we looked inward for reason and rational. And many of us questioned why do we need so many bullets when we use a gun, why do we need assault weapons, why is it so easy for anyone to get a gun. And the answer we received from those who say they are of good Conservative Evangelical calling told us that those questions about guns had little relevance to this or any other shooting. That it was Un-American and Un-Christian to pose those questions. Good people do not kill, only sick and evil minded people kill, the NRA and their legion of legislators lectured us.

We sing God Bless America, we pledge our allegiance and say under one God, we pray to our Gods when our troops are brought home in a casket asking for God's mercy and justice. We end all our political speeches and proudly add let God bless this great nation. We talk a lot of God talk, and somehow it just stops at the words, with fewer actions taking hold.

We have poor, we have sick, we have those without much, we have hungry, we have kids who have no place to call home. We have reason to allow our God to intervene, yet, somehow in the past many years, we never invite God to heal, but encourage he/she to hurt. We define God as human like as we permit our God to hate, become bigoted, bestow bias and mimic our human behaviors.

The weather in LA today is 78 degrees sunny with a mild wind blowing. I took a long walk permitting the wind to brush against my body, breathing in the minor gusts as I watched some clouds swirl by. As I walked I felt this amazing sense that there is a greater power watching, listening, and hoping. I believed that the God I know is out there and today in particular he is walking beside me. I know there is goodness, I know there is fairness, I know there is righteousness...I know that. But I wonder why so much good seems to be dominated by so much bad. Why those who say they speak for God, seem to only speak in negatives and nastiness.

I worry what WILL happen when religion no longer resonates with reason and the minions of mindless people think they speak for God. What will they say?

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