Saturday, October 31, 2015


Joe McCarthy had his Blacklist. It was HIS folder of people he called Communists either by direct association with the Communist Party or indirectly, people who knew people who knew people who once or never really had anything to do with Communism. In the heydays of crazy paranoia to even be considered as a potential entry onto that Blacklist was a death notice warning you that any second or day or week your life as a free American was or would be over. It was a list filled with lies and innuendo endearing to a Republican who feared freedom more then anything else and for democracy, because it might actually find Senator McCarthy a fraud.

The Enemies List was a special preoccupation from a paranoid and pathetic President Nixon. Afraid of anyone discovering his failures Nixon was always on the offensive. In this President’s mind there was no need for checks or balances and the all of the balance of power should be his. Taking cues from the history of Senator McCarthy and the simplicity of mitigating fear and loathing, Nixon had it out for anyone who ever contradicted his actions, questioned his sincerity or demanded fact when fiction was proven. This Republican sought dearly to come president, and he plotted and planned even more sincerely to maintain HIS power by placing into question who WAS really a patriot…people on his side or anyone else as enemies of the state.

Creating enemies is ploy a great perceived plot in which you insist you ARE an innocent bystander being run over by the sheer politics of others. Your intentions are pure, so you say; God is on your side, the Stars and Stripes flow bigger and brighter on your front lawn, and both Jesus and General Washington sing you a lullaby at night whispering in your ears “God Bless America”. You create enemies because of an insecurity that haunts you as if Halloween occurred every day. In American politics you usually have very little to offer to the common citizen, but you become wise enough to understand what fears and phobia those same simpletons enjoy. Never offer a solution is your advice too many particulars with that, but provide reasons to distrust, diminish and destroy. Find the foolish fancies of the self inflicted victims, the misunderstandings of those who refuse to compromise, and pathetically placate the poison that stirs inside the soulless interiors of the most insecure.

Politics in the USA have become an ugly demonstration of a poorly written Reality TV script. Compromise somehow makes you less manly, and in America it is still a man’s world, a white, heterosexual man’s world to be exact. Facts are fodder for propaganda, truth supposedly speaks for itself, even if YOU have spoken anything but! Round Three of the Republican Debacle and more lies, more fabrication more fiction erupted like Mt Vesuvius. When the liars themselves were called into question regarding the real evidence, suddenly a Blacklist/Enemies List was created. Following in the footsteps of two infamous Republicans before them the men and women on the stage at Debacle Number Three, being cowards and liars were smart enough to never answer the truth, but blamed the moderators for wanting to find it.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Dust In the Wind

Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla) has been absent from the most votes in the Upper Chamber according to a new analysis by Vocative in partnership with Of 1,198 total votes, Rubio has missed 99, or 8.3 percent, since taking office in January 2011. During an interview on CNN, when asked about his amount of absence from voting Senator Rubio said, “A lot of these votes don’t mean anything. They’re not going to pass, and even if they did, the President would veto them.” During the latest GOP debacle Senator Rubio was asked about his absence from the Senate and his disillusionment as a Senator. The answer provided by little Marco was “easy as Sunday morning”…you are a liberal biased media. You are part of the main street press who hates anyone from the Republican Party. This is not a question that should be asked on such an esteem stage as the main stage of a three ring circus. Ask me why Hilary Clinton isn’t hung by her neck for the murder of the 4 Americans who died in Benghazi!

Dr Ben Carson denies he is or was a spokesperson for Mannatech Inc, a Texas based supplement maker.For ten years, he interacted with the medical-supplement maker accused of false advertising.  Dr Ben said, The wonderful thing about a company like Mannatech is that they recognize that when God made us, He gave us the right fuel. And that fuel was the right kind of healthy food. You know we live in a society that is very sophisticated, and sometimes we’re not able to achieve the original diet. And we have to alter our diet to fit our lifestyle. Many of the natural things are not included in our diet. Basically what the company is doing is trying to find a way to restore natural diet as a medicine or as a mechanism for maintaining health. Mannatech has been sued, taken to court and has been found to be nothing but a giant wealth making scheme. Ben Carson starred in a PBS special for the company, and his image and quotes can be found on their website. When asked about how he now felt about being a part of company full quick hands and hoax and perhaps not being so good at vetting (kinda sorta like the non-vetting John McCain did for his VP) the Doctor huffed and puffed and abashedly pouted. His response after a thunderous applause from the base of vile T-Baggers in the audience was “They know me and what I can do.” Then somehow even though the facts were as plan as the nose on a face, Carson whimpered and cried these are gotcha’ questions ask me something real like how flat is the Earth and how Noah built the Ark.

AND NOW along with Rubio, Carson and the rest of the guys and one gal who insist that facts have no place at the debacle stage…I mean debate stage there is a revolution that NO LONGER will the moderators have input in which questions should be asked…BECAUSE if a candidate said something, did something, and HE or SHE is asked to respond it is a gotcha’ question. The GOP presidential candidates think we all live in FOXLAND and thus the matters of truth are like dust in the wind.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

GOP Gleanings

Gleanings from a Debacle called a GOP Debate…
NO/NADA/ZILCH government is the best kind of government according to Dr. Carson. Yeppers government is way too big and needs to be stopped just like the college professors who might espouse their First Amendment rights and talk too much of the Progressive Liberal mumble jumble on Campus. Or the ladies who asked for rape and now don’t want the gift that God bestowed on them, pregnancy. Government needs to be more accepting of its citizens except if those citizens do not pray to the kind of Jesus with which Ben Carson is most comfortable. Tithing 10% is a gift that keeps on giving, and giving that way to the government makes you a better Christian…ERRR, UMMM,I mean American.

If I am a millionaire and take in millions from PAC”s that is different than being the kind of millionaire who is just self-serving and greedy. If you make millions and try to pay me, your marionette, to run for office those millions are the kind of money that make a difference. There is a divide of wealth but it is not the fault of the GOP supported politicians who have permitted EXXON to pollute the Earth, or Monsanto to pollute the human body, or the Koch’s to undermine democracy. Nope those millions are not spent to oppose freedoms for the underclass, just to keep them UNDER.

The main (lame in Sarah Palin-ese) street press is a friend of the Democrats. If I am remiss in doing my Senatorial job because I want to be president and I don’t show up for work BIG DEAL. Who asked a biased newspaper to notice? If I was on the Board or a spokesman for a shyster supplement company and my picture is on their website, you are blaming me for them using my name, and bio on their advertisement? If you dare to challenge me on the hideous and ridiculous comments I make during my campaign based on heresy Sean Hannity picked up from website created to make people to look really stupid, you have some nerve!

I may have gone bankrupted a a few times, okay maybe more times…who hasn’t. I may have taken my corporation to the woodshed and laid off thousands of workers…tough times call for someone else to take the blame. I shut the down the government because I can and if the economy went bad…my bad!

In the state of Colorado a GOP debate maybe one question about open carry, maybe a few God Bless America responses to how The Founding fathers and Jesus approve of militias.In the state of Colorado where two mass shootings, Columbine and Aurora decimated lives of the innocent, and not one GOP personality could provide any comment on the lawlessness of uncontrolled gun control!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Let's wonder

Let’s just wonder a bit…you are a female and suddenly your father or brother find you hot and decide since you are family they might share their family jewels with you, you of course are a women so common law says you are a man’s possession. You have a daughter, she has had her first period and is beginning to look more like a woman than a young girl, her father, brother uncle and even granddad think she is quite the LADY and to demonstrate their approval they enjoy her body. You or your daughter are raped, it IS incest at its worst! In the Ben Carson  presidential administration, it is indeed no big deal as President Carson believes that either you or your daughter most likely aroused your dad, her dad your brother, her uncle and that like the many other men of the GOP you deserved to be raped. (Wear sensible clothes, clean the house make dinner and obey).Candidate Carson is bragging about how he has no tolerance for women who even, via incest rape, should have the audacity to consider abortion. Women who abort are somehow like slaveowners and we all know just how bad slaveowners were. Candidate Carson bleats and burps out his advice that no matter how badly the woman must have behaved to ask for the rape, Jesus has provided her with a gift in her becoming pregnant. In President Carson’s world it won’t matter if you are not Chrisitan at the time of rape, because after he lays his hand on the Good Book at his inauguration his next move will to make the USA a Christian nation as it was originally intended. So with President Carson you will have two choices (like the Spanish Inquisition) convert to Carson’s brand of Christianity or die!

Ben Carson suddenly has gained ground on another lover of women, Donald Trump, who now fusses and fumes that if he were a female maybe he would prefer wearing a burkha so as to not have to waste so much time putting on make and styling his hair. The Donald is on his third marriage so he IS a CONNOISSEUR of ladies. Why he even brags that he would date his daughter she is so hot! Not far behind are the ever “women’s lives don’t matter” duo of Rubio and Cruz who want all Planned Parenthood Clinics closed because if women really, really, REALLY need any of those lady intrusive tests they can ask their husband to drive them to a Christian kind of clinic where any passage from the New Testament, a firm whack on her vagina from a Pastor or Priest or just keeping her legs shut will cure it all. Ya’ never heard Jesus mention Planned Parenthood in any of HIS parables. And not to be left out is Miss misogynist Carly Fiorina, believing that equal pay for women demonizes men and maternity leave makes you lazy and family leave is just for sissies. 

We are told by the talking heads (just the heads no brains included) from FOX that the democrats have invented a war on women. We listen as such esteemed misogynists as Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter insist that a liberated female is one who still believes she is not that extra rib from Adam. We are accused of being heathens because any true Christian (remember for the GOP history is kind of dicy) knew that the Founding Fathers were Fathers,not Mothers but let the their little ladies keep the hearth fires burning, mended their soiled Revolutionary War uniforms, and have plenty of children, which was JUST what helped win the war. If you are a female, love a female, have mothers, daughters, nieces, aunts, female friends or sisters in your life and you are considering voting for any of the T-Bagging primary presidential candidates you must hate yourself a whole lot. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Incessant Insistence

The Incessant Insistence for the Immediate!…
I walk a few blocks from my house to the gym. The walk takes about 20 minutes and it is a really great warm up prior to my actual workout. If I am in a less than grumpy mood I notice the blue of the sky, perhaps which ONCE family owned business is now out of business due to LA’s very outrageous high retail spaces, or sadly the additional amount of people either living on the terraces of vacant buildings or pushing around a shopping cart with a few plastic bags of their ONLY possessions. I think to myself why while the sky is blue and the day seems so good for me are there people who must go out of business because it takes too much money to transact business, people living on the streets when this city has so many vacated buildings and how I might be able to survive using my own shopping cart as my means of transportation and storage for what is left of my dreams. When I am in my morning MOODY self my focus is still on the people for whom I recite, “there for the Grace of God go I”, but then I focus on a whole bunch of people who seem so preoccupied texting on their phones, speaking extremely loud on their phones; oblivious to any living creature in their way who at that moment as THEY walk right into you PRESENT this face of poop popping out of their mouth’s because YOU didn’t move out of their way demonstrating very little interest for anything or ANYONE but their immediate needs.

My mood then deepens and I sigh and stew and begin connecting some dots in my mind which lead to how I view the conditions of our American political landscape. I then recite the mantra… “The Incessant Insistence for the Immediate!” Politics has become about RIGHT this minute… never a concern for the facts of history, no need for REAL information about topics… if it takes more then 5 minutes it is wasting time, FORGET if it is truthful sound bytes work better and everyone knows you can try and pretend someone ELSE misquoted what you really meant to say! I shift from politics and get in a pissy hissy state and turn my attention to the media (having to quote Sarah Palin on this) what seems more and and more the “lame street media” I recall how any tragic events are showcased immediately without any facts formulated, but as long as you are first to throw out a few statistics of the abused or murdered…insinuate this might be a terrorist action…place a microphone in front of the cousin who lived three blocks from the perpetrators step fathers home…pan the area of devastation but not really the exact location but close enough is good enough…AND of course give it a theme and theme music…It is CONSIDERED news. It satisfies a societal disregard for real and replaces it with what sells: THE INCESSANT INSISTENCE FOR THE IMMEDIATE!

The people walking down the streets on their phones, driving while texting walking triple file who expect you to move because what they are doing at that moment IS important seem satisfied NOT to notice the lives of those around them. There is this urgency that MY immediate needs must be pleasured. If you are NOT selfish or self-serving you ain’t gonna get what is promised to you. If you don’t rush and hurry you will never arrive at the next milestone so you can rush and hurry again, again, and again. The folks who love them some banner moving left to right on a the news channel with words like Trump up 10%, Hilary lied, Obama this or that, 7 black churches burned, NEVER need more information that that; perhaps because while all that is happening they too are on the phone waiting for the next immediate thing to happen. THE INCESSANT INSISTENCE FOR THE IMMEDIATE is certainly slowing down the human aspect of living.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Dear Paul Ryan

Dear Paul Ryan,
Dude, you are quite the trending SOB, err, I mean GOP (Government Over-reaching Politician) celebrity. So cool Bro, for you to insist that before the Freedom Caucus (These GUYS crack me up they are the most restrictive group of Fascists in Congress) even consider you for the Numero Tres muckity muck job in the US Government, you MUST be able to take adequate family time leave to be with your wife and kids. Must be nice to find the free time from work to spend precious hours with your family. I imagine Dude/Bro that your family is exceptionally special as compared to say the middle class, minimum wage earners or those on the poverty level cause somehow in your days as just one of  the regular Ayn Rand Anarchists you implied that work makes you free, kind of like Arbeit Macht Frei, used by the Nazi Government. (Your T-Bagging Buds love them some Nazi analogies so I thought I would accommodate).And there is NO time for family in that formula!

See Bubba, I find it troubling that the position of Speaker of the House could be given to anyone who CAN”T work maybe 80 hours a week considering the kind of consequences you and your cohorts wearing tri-corned hats have provided for this country …the anticipation of another Government shut down…insisting that social needs are less important than the lobbyists needs from the military industrial complex…trying to shut down the Environmental  Protection Agency because your major donors would rather make more money from dirty air then provide clean air… All of this, just because Barack Obama is president)…(and I know your Party of White Robed we love Kim Davis is so pissed off that our democratic process helped elect the president for 2 full terms). Bro, you are just gonna dig in your partisan heals like the failure before you John Boehner and pretend that Hilary Clinton’s emails, Planned Parenthood’s falsified videos, and the success of Affordable Health Care are ALL dangerous terrorist plots to make America a Communist, Non- Christian nation. So all of that takes about 5 hours of your time…creating more jobs, better safe infrastructure, reinstating fair and equal voting for all and dumping the idea that Corporations are People who love paying for politicians like you is why you need an extra 75 hours.

Dude/Bro/Bubba all we hear is that you are DA’ MAN, the numbers guy who still believes in the Reagan-omics, trickle down economics errr VOODOO ECONOMICS and that you will bring intelligence to the negotiation table. PA-LEEZE Bub, you are a wealthy guy removed from real life pretending that if you wear your baseball cap backwards flexing atop a piece of gym equipment you are a real DUDE American kind go to guy. You speak Republican-ese Dude, you know the kind of language that comes from both sides of your mouth. You speak that New American Evangelicalism “Do unto others what you WOULD never do unto yourself”, you speak hypocrisy, like I want family time, but you peasants DO NOT! And to think you are the third in line should something happen to the VP and President!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Marsha, Marsha, Marsha

Marsha Blackburn is the latest propaganda puppet to be placed on display by a very dysfunctional, pathetic, and paid for for by THE Corporations who are People political party (Republicans). It seems she will be the newest Select Committee Chair by the Tea-Baggers and wage a false war against Planned Parenthood. Ms Blackburn furrowed her manicured brow, clenched her wrist containing a gold watch and a thin bracelet with perhaps just one diamond on it and said her constituents are saddened, outraged, and infuriated that Planned Parenthood is selling fetus body parts. (The constituents Ms Blackburn is portably talking about are her Evangelical billionaire puppet masters and of course the RNC, and Ms Blackburn even admitted that perhaps the video’s of dismembering fetal parts are phony… but insisted if there is smoke there must be fire!) I expected her to don her fireman’s helmet or dress like a Southern chic Smokey The Bear.

The propaganda anarchists at the RNC are getting a bit savvy with their War on Women, they are now figuring out if a female handles issues of vagina’s, and all those other lady’s parts it won’t come across as icky as when a bunch of older white men try to place lock and key on uterus’s. Ms Blackburn is an avid anti-abortionist claiming to be Pro-Life (now remember within the Conservative Christian Party Pro-Life also is defined as Pro-Gun/ Pro-Death Penalty/Anti Food Stamps/Decrease in social security and that 50 times tried and true Anti-Affordable Health Care.) She will be permitted to have at least 3 other women on her committee( those T-Baggers believe as long as you have women disparaging other women there is no way any of them can be called misogynists.) Something is rotten in the dizzying dens of Planned Parenthood, and America can not be great again until every last vagina gets a an Evangelical permission bar code, or the women of color and poverty just die because they CANNOT afford health care!

Ms Blackburn without any hesitation states that there are many other clinics in this nation who can do the precise services Planned Parenthood provides (of course without that fetal harvesting thingie-do), and having NO Planned Parenthood is no big deal. We have so far spent over $4.5 MILLION on the Benghazi Witch hunt, so I am sure the thrifty T-Baggers who love to cut budgets will have no problem in spending just the same amount on their next round of Joe McCarthyism tactics. (One might stop for a moment and wonder if that $4.5 million dollar fiasco had been spent on better security for foreign embassies in the first place how the Benghazi tragedy might have been averted…and if the next bunches of millions that will be spent on the newest Commitment To Anarchy Committee were to actually go to women’s health how many more lives might be saved.) But then again one does not have to wonder that the only purposes of the T-Bagging/Republican Party is to keep the stupid even dumber, the fearful even more afraid and Democracy from finding form in this nation again! Hey Marsha, You Go Girl! Hope your daughters and granddaughters are proud of you!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Dear Secretary Clinton

Dear Secretary Clinton,
Wow! At first I was a supporter of your candidacy to run for President.But then I read about your use of a private E-Mail account and sadly thought you are too savvy a politician and way too smart as an individual for this to happen. Perhaps, shamefully for me, I fell prey to the Republican propaganda machine, and began to question my support for you. I deeply and humbly apologize for that bit of stupidity on my part. I want you to know that this American citizen is proud of your service to this nation as Secretary of State! It seems after this 11 hour fiasco and sheer anti Hilary for President so called hearing I am stunned that history has repeated itself via Salem Witch Trials and The Joe McCarthy “are you now or have you ever been a Communist freak show. I am amazed at your demeanor, focus, patience and ability to sit and be insulted by a bunch of sound byte buffoons, political puppets, and partisan politicians who have nothing to do with the security of this nation just the security of their gerrymandered jobs!

Secretary Clinton you provided those elected officials with a lesson about US Government 101, 102 and a graduate course. Ashamedly none of those Republican robots at the ready to read a script prepared by the RNC knew little about how our government works. I have said before it would be nice for any elected official to first pass a 7th grade civics test and then maybe learn how each department within the Federal Government works. I would be proud to have you as Commander and Chief as you have shown your might battling a bunch of home grown terrorists.  You stood strong to bully’s and you demonstrated how polished, professional and poised a leader you are.

The shame of America is with the sham and flim-flam the T-Bagging GOP politicians and their puppet masters try and deceive the democratic process. History is meaningless, facts become frozen in time, and fear, innuendo the form by which this disingenuous group of Anarchists perform. The Benghazi hearings were never about your duties as Secretary of State but about how afraid the Republicans are to engage in a political process fair and just. I respect you more NOW, Secretary Clinton as a leader, and thank you for all you have done for this Nation!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Our House

If anyone from the T-Bagging Base took the time to read a 7th grade civics book (perhaps not in Texas where the Bible is the 7th grade curriculum, and perhaps in Alabama where civics stopped at the beginning of the Civil War), they would discover that the Speaker of the House of Representatives is the third person in line to lead this nation should both the President or VP resign or pass away! But maybe they have read that part of our Constitution and indeed are delighted that a group of politicians calling themselves the Freedom Caucus, are the people who will carry great weight in the election of the next Speaker. The Freedom Caucus is truly and ironic name considering this group of T-Bagging ultra conservative Christian crusaders (hard to imagine anyone being even more ignorant then almost every other Conservative politician) prefer anything but freedom for anyone who does not pray like they do, look like they do or hate like they do. The Freedom Caucus is a gang of gerrymandered thugs coming from very restrictive voter ID states who still believe that President is Obama is a Muslim, Affordable Health care is Un-American, Slavery was capitalism at its best, Women often times ask to be raped but just applying too much lipstick, and that when Jesus landed on Plymouth Rock he declared the Native Americans to be immigrants, unwanted and to be killed!

The so called GOP is the majority in the House chamber thus has the prerogative to nominate the next Speaker. The GOP has had such luminary Speakers as Newt Gingrich, whose claim to fame is shutting down the government because he was angry at not being invited to a President Clinton bash. Dennis Hastert currently under indictment for inappropriate behavior with minors and John Boehner whose claim to shame is shutting down the government and trying to stop the Affordable Health Care Act at least 50 times. The GOP is sinking in a pool of bogus, bias, bigotry, lies and ignorance and is demonstrating their Party’s inability to govern yet again by making the clown show running for President look like a day at the park compared to their parade of fools at the ready to be the Numero Tres man in the US government. For the T-Bagging politicians raised on the wrath of Jesus and not the philosophy of our Founding Fathers, this whole procedural process is a sham and they are not shy on the shame.

So now a Prince has arrived in the nick of time. This Prince is named Paul, he pretends that he is wisest of all and can lead a group of dissidents and anarchists to some kind of sense rather than the nonsense they so delight in. Prince Paul however wants some rules adjusted for his reign of power and one them is he wants weekends off to spend quality time with his family. Interesting but Paul is of course of the Republican kind that loves a “good for the goose but not the gander” hypocrite. He has sponsored resolutions against family leave, overtime pay for hours worked away from the family, and of course believes the more hours you work the better to pull yourself up from your bootstraps (in the case of Americans just above the poverty line, your socks!) The “We Are Family” Freedom Caucus who swear heterosexual Motherhood and Fatherhood are what General Jesus Christ wrote in the Constitution, and that “nothing says loving” like a heterosexual family with plenty of Christian kids are throwing a hissy fit at the audacity that a good Christian Conservative could even mention quality family time. So America, you think that the puppets parading for their puppet masters to run for President of this nation are buffoons, WAIT, cause the third person in power of this nation has to pass a rigorous test of partisanship,Christianity, and dumb to be elected by an even more grotesque gang of goons!

Route 66

If you ever plan to motor West
Travel my way take the highway that's the best
Get your kicks on Route 66
Won't you get hip to this timely tip
When you make that California trip?
Get your kicks on Route 66
Get your kicks on on Route 66
Get your kicks on Route 66 (“Route 66-lyrics Nat King Cole)

Roads once traveled, I have adventured quite many of them. Now it seems I have finally traversed a very famous one Route 66. I planned on motoring west and before me was a world of triumph, tears, surprise, sadness, hurry, hurrah,purpose and peace! As the lyrics infer I got my kicks headed toward this famous highway, and have had to kick a few obstacles out of the way to indeed move ahead. 66 years old, when did it happen, sometimes how the hell did it happen, and I suppose what happens next? 

I often times remark on horizons just in arms reach, yet when attempted seem a bit further than that; but insist that facing forward finding them has meaning and the meanderings are worth the effort. I know that life planned sometimes falls flat but in its wake is a life lived with surprise and that makes it so special. I have been honored and blessed to include in my travels NOW as I approach route 66 family and friends who have provided me with great memories, madness, mayhem and magic. Who knows what lies ahead, but looking in front of me keeps me aware and awake; but I must also turn my head just to remember the roads which have led me to today! I am warmed and comforted by the greetings received helping me celebrate my birthday. I plan on getting my kicks on Route 66 and hope all the people in my life continue along for the ride!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Naturalization Test

In order to become a US Citizen, immigrants must pass the Naturalization Test. American citizenship bestows the right to vote, improves the likelihood of family members living in other countries to come and live in the US, gives eligibility for federal jobs, and can be a way to demonstrate loyalty to the US (Naturalization Test, US Immigration Department).

Just looking at the cadre of candidates already elected into office from both political parties and especially the current crop of T-Baggers, I wonder if we should create a law that before you take office you too should pass an exam we insist future potential US citizens take; the NATURALIZATION TEST! We have politicians who pretend they carry the Constitution right next to their Bible and assault weapons. We have politicians who insist that it was Jesus who was the Father of this country. We have politicians who will swear on a stack of New Testament Bibles that this IS a Christian nation. We have politicians who believe the 10 Commandments IS the law of the land. We have politicians who think slavery was a wise capitalistic form of doing business. We have politicians who BELIEVE that the supremacy clause, which is part of article VI of the Constitution. (The supremacy clause contains what's known as the doctrine of pre-emption, which says that the federal government wins in the case of conflicting legislation.) is not valid because the only supremacy is that of the Lord and Savior. We have politicians who like to pick and choose the ruling of the Supreme Court, and if they don’t like that form of democracy use the excuse that the only Supreme ruling comes from Jesus.

I wonder, just how many of the current crop of bigots, racists, gerrymandered, politicians could actually pass the NATURALIZATION TEST? I would like to know that those who create the laws of the land actually know how the law of this land was created? I would like to know if the eager bunch of T-Baggers understood why tea was thrown into the river? I would like to know if those politicians who think women don’t deserve equal pay for equal work, immigrants did not create this nation, minority lives don’t matter, other than Christians can be elected to any office in the land, why our Founding Fathers made very clear a distinction between church and state, can recite the history proving them wrong! No one says you have to be brilliant to become a politician in this nation, but shouldn’t we expect that those who run this nation know as much as those who seek its citizenship?

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

So Now

So now the Republicans would have you believe that George Bush was not president during the horrendous destruction of 9/11. They insist that if George Bush had been president nothing as harrowing and horrible as the downing of the Twin Towers could or would have happened. And if history proves that George Bush was in the White House during that eventful day, it was really Bill Clinton’s fault that our country witnessed a major blow to freedom. Angrily, and agitated the Republican spin machine is upset that anyone of their right wing American mind would even infer that a Republican did NOT keep this country safe. Come on now Patriots, says Jeb Bush (the supposedly smarter Bush brother), the terrorist activity that happened on 9/11 does not count, it is what happened afterwards that really matters, so give my BIG BROTHER GEORGE  a break! And thus, those who who pay Pat Robertson to bribe Jesus, who think that Bill O’Reilly ever tells the truth, who buy gold from Glenn Beck, who actually think Elisabeth Hasselbeck is anything but a D list reality star, who know the Earth is flat and that Noah had dinosaurs on his Ark are all pissed off that intelligent people think otherwise.

So now we discover what most of us with an IQ higher then 10 already knew that the Benghazi Special Committee initiated by the House T-Bagging Republicans was nothing but a tax payer paid for scam to undercut Hilary Clinton’s run for president and even more disgusting a blow to Democracy. When truth is finally told in the world of T-Bagging Republicans the breach in the dam causes some horrendous flooding and misery. Innuendo abounds, lies linger, and lots of BS piles up as we hear and see just how much destruction and deviant behavior was planned and plotted not to find the truth, but to perpetrate and demonstrate hate, loathing and fear. One part of our Government the House of Representatives has betrayed anything resembling Democracy with a planned propaganda attack contrary to anything this country should or could stand for. Whether you find Hilary Clinton fit for president or not is not the issue at this moment; but rather just how insidious and insincere elected government officials have become to defy anything resembling the truth.

So now that Bernie Sanders has begun to become more than a joke, the T-Bagging Republicans who have actually BECOME the joke have BEGUN to use those nasty habits most school aged brats use by calling him names. In the world of uneducated bigoted base voters known as T-Baggers the word Socialist is scary. Most of these base-voters have never used a dictionary nor have read history books to be sure what Socialist actually means but if FOX News says it is a bad word, and the cadre of clowns begging to be president from the GOP say so then Bernie Sanders is a bad guy. Theocracy, Fascism and Oligarchy however are the three words most of these self proclaimed Patriots should be very wary of. A Christian nation ruled by the right kind of Christian (remember, Mike Huckabee, Kim Davis, and Bill O’Reilly define who that person is), a nation where the government is always too big to create jobs or fix infrastructure, but never big enough to handle your vagina, plan your wedding or demand you pay to be healthy a government run by the “Let them eat cake” billionaires is truly the enemy. We are aghast that Bernie believes in equality, freedom and fair, but salivate with joy as our government hates the poor, loves when the planet melts and of course believes slavery was what made this nation great! 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Imagine, IF

Imagine if the Television Networks actually cared more about democracy and less about ratings what kind of debates we might enjoy. Imagine if the Networks sponsoring the Presidential Primary debates invited real professional journalists to handle the debate rather then some cable network entertainment spokesperson. Imagine if the kind of Journalist who gets to the root of a story and does not permit liars to lie, stupid people to pontificate, and politicians to pontificate could stop the puppet politicians and repeat, repeat, and repeat the same question until it is answered or the real answer of “I don’t know” is uttered!

Imagine if the political debates were not considered REALITY SHOW ENTERTAINMENT but news. Imagine if the hosts were not the ones trying to make the news but actually real reporters trying to get a true story. Imagine if instead of a dozen questions for the dozen of puppets on the stage, each debate focused on three issues, so each candidate is FORCED into providing more than personal insults or sound bytes! Imagine if with each debate we actually found out how knowledgeable or ignorant those running for the highest office of the land really are!

Imagine if facts began to matter again! Imagine if a real bi-partisan fact checker sat next to the real Journalist/Reporters and as fiction was bandied about as pure fact, someone could site the truth and have the candidate be asked to answer the question again! Imagine if we actually tried to use intelligence in selecting a presidential candidate rather exaggerated fascist remarks, foibles and hyperbole! Imagine just how scared the men and women might really be in being found to be a fraud, perhaps they would NOT participate or actually have to do their homework instead of preparing propaganda! Imagine id Democracy was given a chance to be discovered in America. Hard to imagine, I imagine!


So the Republican Benghazi Committee has been proven it is nothing but a sham run by shameless Gerrymandered Representatives from voter restricted states and you think it is going to matter to inbred idiots who believe that Trump, Carson or Firoina are perfect candidates to be president? COME ON, REALLY! So the Planned Parenthood videos all pieced together with truth-less tales of disembodied fetus’s showcased by a Republican shaman have been proven to be nothing but irresponsible and arrogant propaganda and you think those who cheer Jeb Bush, applaud Marco Rubio, admire Chris Christie even care? COME ON, REALLY! So Social Security, Medicare are listed on the chopping block as priorities FROM ALL of the T-Bagging candidates and you think the anti-abortion people pretending to be Pro-Life give a shit? COME ON, REALLY! We live in America 2015 a step back in time and progress, where taxes are too much for the wealthy but never enough for the poor: you know, the ones the current crop of Christian Conservatives believe Christ would never permit to enter Heaven! COME ON, REALLY you think truth has any advantage in politics, lies are the fabric of getting ahead as a T-Bagging Republican. The more you insist that anyone telling the truth is Un-American the further you get in the polls. When you have activist Christian Supreme Court Justices at the ready to declare Corporations People, Jim Crow laws are real democracy, and Political Action Committees able to buy and sell as much as they wish, you think it is going to matter that democracy has been raped? COME ON, REALLY! You REALLY think justice and equality matter to the people they call the BASE of the T-Bagging Republican Party, why do you think they call them the base in the first place?

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Fetal Positioning

If you are a zygote, a few centimeters long, or a fetus I need to prepare you for life outside your mothers womb, according to some people who have never met your Mama, or never will meet your Mama, but feel that they have ownership over her body and in particular you! Well, you until you are outside your Mama’s womb. Now if your Mama became pregnant because her daddy or brother thought she was hot for them there are some people, Evangelical Christians to be exact, who believe you don’t need love to make a baby and it is just Jesus providing your Mama with a gift. These same people think that you should be born and then you get a two-fer-one…your granddaddy will also be your daddy and your uncle will be your daddy…what a gift! The same holier than thou folks also believe that if some deranged male finds your Mama’s body delightful and thinks she should feel the same way about his and then rapes your Mama, well once again Jesus provided your Mama with a gift and this stranger, this low life, this Rapist should be part of the decision process in your birth and should have parental visitation rights. 

Now if your Mama is a single lady, those Christians still believe she should give birth to you but they won’t acknowledge her presence in their church, except of course if you are Bristol Palin, then you will not be considered a bastard child, nor will your Mama be excluded from appearing on FOX News. If your Mama and your Daddy did plan on getting pregnant and you have siblings waiting to greet you, but your parents only make minimum wage, your future brothers or sisters may not look so healthy when you meet them. The same people who love you to death in your Mama’s womb, don’t care if your family starves to death. You see these kind of Christians seem to think Jesus really never spent anytime in the streets of Jerusalem with the poor…I know, go figure. If your Mama and Daddy make just enough money to pay their rent and perhaps provide at least two nutritious meals to their family and of course to you; the same Christian Crusaders at the ready to keep you floating in that womb want to stop providing your family with affordable health care insurance and then they want to close down any of the Planned Parenthood Clinics because heaven knows quality health care ain’t Jesus like at all!

These Evangelical Christians think that pre-natal care, pre school education, and food stamps are socialist tactics by the government to keep you from ever pulling yourself up from your boot straps. These Christian zealots are a-feared that our US government will become all kind of Communist, so their answer to that is TO ESTABLISH a Theocratic Fascist government that could give a shit about health, education or welfare that will only keep close eyes on your Mama’s body and in particular her womb and vagina….They actually believe the US Constitution says so, I know, stupid huh! So if you just happened when that sperm found the right egg intentionally or NOT feel comforted that you are a gift from Jesus, even if you ain’t Christian. But once that gift is unwrapped you may end up being the booby prize cause if your Mama is poor, uneducated, single, ill, she will no longer be loved by the Jesus loves me and not you crowd. If you want to eat, go to school, have medical attention you better hope that Jesus also left you a pot of gold, cause without it AIN’T nobody gonna care! And you had better learn the word hypocrite, cause you are gonna use it a lot!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Benny Da' Bomb

Ben, Benny, Benny you da’ Bomb…no seriously when your drop your missiles of pure BS, they are almost as lethal as atomic weapons. Your bombs fall to Earth and do as much damage to the souls of a nation that radiation does to the skin and organs of the citizens of America. Are you really that dumb…rhetorical question Benny because I do know the answer. So, among the myriad of nonsense you have espoused in your run for the president of a political party based on Fascism and Theocracy and a lot of bat shit crazy you now have decided to rewrite history so you can protect the NRA and its band of OathKeepers, KKK and Aryan Nation extremists. (wait till they stop and realize you are a black man) pretending that more guns IS the answer to less gun violence. (There used to be a joke that people went to psychiatry because they had some of their own mental illness issues to deal with, I wonder if you went into neurosurgery because you knew you needed a brain transplant) But Benny I digress!

So your theory (based on some make believe story that you actually were in some kind fast food place with a gun pointed at you…and oh yeah that you were brave enough to say to the gunman, don’t shoot me, he has the money)IS that the Jews in Europe during the Nazi regime could have saved their lives had they not permitted the government to take away their guns. REALLY, Benny, REALLY! Did you have to take any history courses to get into medical school (again Benny a rhetorical question cause anybody with an IQ higher then 1 would realize how stupid you sound.)  Yep, those crazy Jews died because they didn’t belong to GNRA (The  German National Riffle Association).Just wondering Benny if you think that had the Jews living in ancient Israel, you know Mathew, Mark Peter etc and their bud Jesus not permitted the Romans to take away their weapons could they have saved their lives. (I am sure somewhere the Bible you profess to honor and holds more obligation to you then the US Constitution states clearly and God said to Jesus, thou shalt honor thy weapon as thou honors his mother and father!) I mean really Benny imagine how different the world might be if Jesus and his posse weaponed the Romans! 

You are a scary man Benny, (of course even more terrifying are the goons who believe you actually make sense.) Benny have you ever viewed any of your speaking engagements, kind of freaky, Benny! Your eyes are always squinted, your monotone and lack of affect remind of the days in college when we smoked pot. Now if you were a black man representing the Democrat Party I am sure rumor would abound that not only were you high from weed, but certainly on a long, long acid trip. But you are trying to get the the office of president from that “Just Say No” band of hypocrites so of course NO ONE would even infer, (even if you a black man) that you do drugs. Ben, Benny, Benny Da’ Bomb I however have to BELIVE that only ONE  under the spell of hardcore drugs could say the imaginary things you have spoken. The sad thing is you ARE probably high and all of us are going to have a bad trip!

Friday, October 9, 2015


For most educated Americans those who took civics classes and actually read the text, (not the New Testament where in some invisible print it says Jesus was the author of the US Constitution), for this group of Americans they learned that the three most important US government officials are the President, Vice President and Speaker of the House. The Constitution, (again NOT the New Testament), states clearly there is a line of hierarchy should in fact the President or the Vice President be removed from office, due to death, crime or assignation stating that the third most important office to govern this nation be the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Now (until the Supreme Court intervened and ignored our democratic process with Gore V Bush), the President and VP would be sworn into office because of a popular vote (albeit this even gets confusing due to the archaic ruling of having an Electoral College, but the Speaker which skews the one person one vote rule most democracies rely on to survive), BUT the Speaker of the House is elected from within her/his own party members. SO the third person in kine to run this country is not a person of the people, but a puppet of the players in the House of Representatives. 

Our Numero Uno or Dos leaders, are mostly in power because of the citizens of this nation, Numero Tres, is a pandering  puppet to the sometimes ignorant of the US laws, or Constitution, gerrymandered goons owned by billionaires or elected by some people who believe the Earth is flat. In other words the person who by some unimaginable tragedy could become the President is someone who has no responsibility to anyone but the members of his or her political party. And the US supposedly is the major Super Power of the planet! 

Joh Boehner a man who may have tried at first to find bi-partisan consensus tried his best to please the stupid in his party, (but with the dumb unless you are even more stupid then they you are considered not one of them), and Mr Boehner was told by the men and women most who were gerrymandered into office or elected in states where voter ID ensures the minority/non Jesus discovered America don’t vote to hit the road Jack or in his case hit the road John. His replacement a man who places politics before the practical Kevin McCarthy committed a terrible crime against the T-Bagging Republicans and told a truth about the Benghazi/Hilary Clinton which hunt  has been given his walking papers. And now the Speaker of the House Leadership position is open, open to men who believe the President is a Muslim, Gays create flooding/major hurricane and drought/ women have no right to their vagina’s, and/or people are criminals. And we watch as purity questions arise from the inbred T-Bagging Representatives; not of who knows the Constitution, who has an IQ above 90, not who wants compromise or consensus, but purity questions like will you shut down the government, do you agree this nation is a Christian country, and will you vote against, women rights, Gays, the Colored and build that wall to keep out the Mexican rapists. The Speaker of the House is the third in line to govern this nation…not sure about you but this SHIT scares me a WHOLE lot!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Imagine if

Simple math, a simple solution, difficult problem and dangerous dilemmas. More people killed by guns and the answer is a always to provide more people with guns. How do we find a compromise to gun violence, is it to create good guys with guns taking us back to the wild west when some folks wore white hats and others a black hat. And for most sane, sensible, non-paranoid, non bigoted people none of the above makes any sense. BUT there is a way to immediately stop this bullying, BS and bogus bastardization of the Second Amendment.

Imagine if we could pass a law which states that each candidate will get the same amount of government dollars if he or she runs for president. Imagine if $1, $5 or even $10 dollars from the Federal income tax was budgeted to go to something called The Fair Democracy Voting Bill. You don’t pay taxes then your only power is to vote. Imagine if ALL candidates could not receive private donations, that the only function of PAC’s was to use their allowed amount of money to do PR, marketing. Imagine what might happen when the NRA would be on the same footing with everyone else and no longer able to threaten, intimidate, or buy the people who run for office. Imagine if Corporations (which a very religious oriented activist group of Justices declared to be human) had the same dollar payout as real humans (you know the kind the Christian right believe begins when that horny sperm finds that enticing egg.) Imagine if bribery died, lobbying became honest and the politicians were free to find their own conscience and not borrow the talking points of their paid for puppet masters. Imagine if the NRA was to play on the same level as anyone else.

The gun problem aside from just anyone able to purchase deadly weapons, is deadly because our politics permit assault with deadly sums of money, murder by bribery, and inaction from the fear of finding your campaign being broke. Americans, must stop ringing their hands breaking their brains to find a compromise; we have seen after 45 mass murders this WILL never happen. But we all know to grow a plant and see it thrive we water it, once we forget or go on vacation without that nutrition of water the plant dies. If the money from the NRA or other Anti-American lobbying stopped flowing into the roots of ruthless politicians more concerned about their future and not the future of their constituents many politicians would might have time to try and regrow, but this time with the conscience of America as their source of food. Guns do kill as long as there are people who use them, politicians who ignore this are killers also. Stop feeding them the ammunition or PAC money, Lobby enticements and maybe more guns and more people with guns may go the way of the Edsel, The DoDo Bird, and the theory that the sun rotates around the Earth! 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

3 More Stooges

If it was not American T-Bagging Christian Fascist Anarchists with no real clue about life, limb or the value thereof thinking they should be president; one might think it was nothing but a bad skit on Saturday Night Live! A Neurosurgeon thinks the answer to the death by guns is to provide more guns. Give the good guys a gun to murder the bad guys. The good guys according to this Neurosurgeon is for them to tattoo a Golden C for Christ on their chest, so when they shoot at the bad guys, the Golden C will act as krypton like Superman and any incoming bullets will not penetrate their bodies. He is a Physician and took an oath if he can remember to heal, but this loony tune knows only Christ can heal and as long as you believe you will not be injured or killed. This loony tune knows the good Christians are made of some other kind of flesh and bone.

Then there is the Pastor. The con man with a Bible in his pocket, the hand of God up his ass, and hypocritical dribble always dripping down the two sides of his mouth. Sinners he declares shoot the gun, the gun DOES not kill and will not kill if held in the hands of the righteous, like the Cliven Bundy Clan, the White Hooded White Supremacists, the Oath Keepers who love to have their women remain chattel, nothing says female like being that extra rib from Adam. This Pastor is always trying to control the vaginas of women, declaring ALL lives emerge from that sperm and egg meeting, but if that life grows up and murders others with a gun, that egg and sperm were sinners at conception. 

Then there is the canker sore, a Governor of Louisiana who believes that good women the kind married to one man, who only bake, cook, do laundry and make tons of babies will always have healthy breasts and vaginas, because a GOOD heterosexual man is Gods answer to medical insurance. This Governor who thinks a 4% in the polling numbers of people who still believe the Earth was created in 7 days, and the sun rotates around the Earth make him  relevant and viable to become president. This canker sore swears on a Bible or two that all mass murders are boys from a single parent family. They had dead beat dads, and The Lord made Adam first and had that little bitch Eve not bitten into that apple, women would still be subservient. The canker sore, has told the public that an absentee father is just what the Devil wants and guns handled by children of a heterosexual father and heterosexual mother are good guns. All of these clowns want to be center stage under the Big Top, but really they should remain in the back of the tent in the freak show. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

So What Else Is New

A little girl 8 years old was shot and killed by her neighbor another kid aged 11. The boy a son of a heterosexual man and heterosexual woman was a bully. A kid so unsure off own status in the world that he felt he had to dominate the world of his neighbor a girl of 8. You have to wonder what kind of parenting skills these heterosexual parents provided for their son to permit his continuance of bullying even after the school in which he attended made his heterosexual MOM and Dad aware of this cowardly behavior. (You know Christians swear that the only healthy kind of kids come a straight mother and father). The murderer used his father’s 12-gauge single-shot gun and killed his 8 year old neighbor while standing in his bedroom inside his house. (I am sure  this Dad was worried about the bad guys coming for him so he had his weapon ready he was in the eyes of the NRA just one more good guy doing his American duty).  Now the NRA leadership and their callous lobbyists have all along insisted that gun deaths could be stopped if only more good guys had guns. Hmmm, so one has to wonder if the little 8 year old girl was a bad guy, cause she did not pack any heat. But maybe she was a good guy but without some pop-up sign or neon sign hanging from her head letting everyone know, the good guy with the gun loaded and ready from his good guy Dad, sitting in his bedroom had no idea she was good; or did he?

The principal of the school in which the little 8 year old had attended, sounded distraught and of course informed the community that there would be grief counselors to assist in helping any student handle this good guy with a gun murdering a not so good guy, cause had the little 8 year old girl had a gun EVERYONE would have known she was a good guy! God bless the grief counselors who are always called in to solve the problem of mass murder, or single person murder. So much easier to explain as Jeb Bush said “stuff happening”, or as Donald Trump insisted “things happen” when a grief counselor is available. So the town will mourn, the parents of the murdered girl will never stop wondering why, FOX News will probably blame the little girl for being too selfish to let her neighbor see her puppy. None of the T-Bagging Republican presidential candidates will blame guns for this murder, and the NRA will show videos of how another 8 year old kid shot back at her neighbor who had a gun. It is another day another death by gun and so what else is new?


It may have been third of fourth grade for me. I was in Miss MacAteer’s Social Studies class when we were studying the hierarchy of who would be in charge if just in case the Russian’s did drop those Atomic Bombs on Pittsburgh. Miss MacAteer was about to list the lineage of who would take over our Government as prescribed by the Constitution, when a janitor was walking past our classroom and must have dropped some very heavy metal thing, which made a thud and the janitor said “God Damn it.” Looking out at the hallway with one of hers eyes but still managing to hold her piece of chalk against the blackboard with the other eye, Miss MacAteer asked one of the kids in the desk next to the door to please immediately stand up and close that door. Of course, immediately there were stifled giggles because we heard a swear word in school of all places and as was Miss MaAteer’s habit when any un called for giggles arose, she would ring a bell on her desk like the kind hotel registrations would have when calling for the Bell Boy. One ring meant enough, two rings meant go to the cloakroom, three rings meant  do this one more time and you will stay after school, four rings meant go to the Principals office to be paddled and usually that was enough rings. On this day I so remember that Miss MacAteer hit that bell for at least 12 times. Everyone shut up not only shut up, sat up and stopped breathing, at least it seemed that way.

“Boys and girls”, it was the late 50’s so of course the word boys always came before girls. “Before we go on and I teach you about how this country will continue governing even if those Communists bomb our city, I want to tell you something else, and you need to pay VERY close attention.” Some kids started to pick up their pencils as if this might be something on a test. In a very deep voice almost staccato, Miss MacAteer said put your pencils down NOW. Confusing to all of us as usually when she was about to tell us something it would be on the Friday afternoon test.”I want every eye on me NOW, I wants your hands folded on the desk as if we were reading from the Bible and reciting the Lords Prayer.” (Yep every morning a passage from the Bible was read followed by the Lord’s Payer and then the Pledge of Allegiance). (This HAD to be an announcement that in fact the Atomic Bomb was about to fall, except we did not hear the Retention Drill Bell giving us a few seconds to hide under our desks covering are heads so we would not be killed.) Miss MacAteer said, “I will make this quick and easy to understand, NEVER ever use the Lords name in vain, if you do, most likely you will not end up in Heaven you will go to that other place! Do you hear me class never say, (and then she wrote God’s name on the board and next to it xxxxxxx) She added, “I am sure you all know what terrible and sinful word those X’s mean.

You could hear some hard swallowing and an eerie feeling arose kind of like when your parents let you watch Chiller Theater a late local show of monster, creatures and aliens. Then Miss MacAteer told us that there is the President a good man she added, the Vice President, also a good man and position called Speaker of the House of Representatives, sometimes a man. We know the President will survive as will the Vice President but if either person is on vacation and the Russian sneak attack us then the Speaker will be the next in line. I am now 65 years old and as I read about John Boehner as Speaker I shudder, third in line. Incompetent and political this Speaker legacy is to kill Obama Care a thousand times over. But worse, will be one of the three T-Bagging incompetent men pleading to be the next Speaker. Kevin McCarthy who loves him some Benghazi BS and of course shutting down the government because he can. Jason Chaffetz who believes the more you lie about Planned Parenthood the better Christian you become and now Steve Scalise who has his white robe and hood in moth balls ready to be refitted. God Damn it indeed, sorry Miss MacAteer, but I am afraid, very because you taught us that one of three men could be the third in line to actually become President. Damn you!

Monday, October 5, 2015

those good guys

The answer, as always from the NRA, in response to yet one more massacre by a man with guns is that we need more GOOD GUYS WITH GUNS. Of course the NRA doesn’t believe in background checks so we will have to take those GOOD GUYS WITH GUNS at their word. Perhaps it is the GOOD GUYS in cowboy hats who stood by Cliven Bundy at the ready to pick off any Federal Agent trying to arrest Cliven for being such a GOOD GUY WITH A GUN that he felt he was too good to abide by the law! Maybe its those Pro Life GOOD GUYS WITH A GUN, who love to intimidate women going into and of Planned Parenthood, or maybe their GOOD GUY brethren who believe arson works well in stopping abortions. Wait it just might be those GOOD GUYS WITH GUNS calling themselves Oath Keepers who have made it known that if they don’t like a Federal Law, if they believe Jesus wouldn’t like that Federal law, they will not only disobey it but arrest any Senator or maybe President who steps foot in their proclaimed Free State. Well then what about those guys dressed in cute little outfits with a swaztika patch on their shoulders. These GOOD GUYS WITH A GUN, are here to make America purer, more moral, they have a duty to bring this nation to its origins, a white enclave of bigots.

The answer from the NRA is more GOOD GUYS WITH A GUN and of course with no background checks we will just have to believe that anyone calling them self a GOOD GUY should get a GUN. I wonder if the NRA thinks the newly organized Black Panthers, or the Black Live Matter, or anyone affiliate with the NAACP are good guys who should be entitled to their GUNS! NRA, Nutty Ridiculous Anarchists. 

And, again...again

Select any news channel, cable or local listen as more parents are asked how they feel with the 45th massacre of the innocent via one too many guns, and you will think you are experiencing deja vu as each and everyone states we don’t know how this happened. Reporters will ask a myriad of questions about the loved ones deceased or those injured, we will hear wonderful stories about the lives they had lived or about the prayers for a healthy and speedy recovery. Sheriffs will provide details, elected officials will bow their heads and provide snippets of information, the star reporter will have the camera pan on his/her solemn face, we will go to commercial with either some PR banner called Tragedy in…Columbine, Aurora, Sandy Hook, Fort Hood, Roseburg or Your Town Next accompanied with a bit of classical music usually the deep bass sound of musical notes sad and tearful. Some correspondent will then supply us with the background of the shooter, why and how he got his guns, why and how he hated his parents or his life, why and how we should have know about this murderer because he left direct statements or because someone who knew him in elementary school a thousand years ago knew he was a loner. We will listen as doctors stand in front of microphones with the name of their hospital in full view, expressing the horrendous amount of operations needed to make the victims at least physically whole. Some bureaucrat will be wearing some new colored ribbon on his/her shoulder to show some kind of solidarity with the dead and sternly, but morosely enough, explain that grief counselors will be made available for those individuals who may need to talk. 

As we once again for the 45th time see, hear and experience all of the tragedy of innocent lives ended by a madman with a gun we will begin to hear the harangue and political rhetoric offering different opinions on what to do with gun violence; arguing exactly who is or isn’t a better Patriot, who should or shouldn’t decide gun laws, who has or hasn’t read the Constitution correctly.  Somehow we will hear that Jesus wanted the 2nd Amendment when he wrote the Constitution. We will hear that the Black Muslim as president wants the Black Panthers to rise up again. We will hear that guns don’t kill people. We will hear “stuff happens”. We will NOT hear any compromise, any reasonable attempt, any really Pro-Life people propose answers. We will hear all of this for about 2 weeks, then we will forget that is until the 46th mass shooting and then we will hear it all again!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

more,more, more

So, after the paid for puppet politicians so useful for the NRA respond that “stuff happens” as their solution for better gun control laws, the actual paid talking heads of the NRA have an even niftier solution to too much gun violence they shout loud and proud “more good guys with guns will stop the bad guys with guns in their tracks”. So easy to solve the issue of not only mass murders, but any murder in this nation, GUNS! But then you have to wonder just who is that good guy who oughta’ have at least three thousands guns in his possession? Is it the good guys in cowboy hats supporting anarchist Cliven Bundy in Nevada, who tried to shoot at the Federal Agents for trying to stop the deadbeat Bundy for not paying his taxes? Is it the guys in white hoods who pretend they are doing Jesus’s work in keeping America white as it was originally intended to be? Is it the Oathkeepers, the guys who like to keep their women knocked up while they decide to hunt down Senators and maybe that black guy in the White House? Maybe its Aryan Nation guys and gals they can sniff out a Jew, a Gay, a Mexican rapist and keep this nation safe. You know though it ain’t gonna be those Black Panthers or those communist Black Live Matter criminals.

More guns say the NRA governing board, good guys know what to do when confronted with bad guys with guns. The good guys don’t need no regulations to do the right thing. Bring that gun to a bar, to church, bring it, show it, and use it when you can tell there is a bad guy around. No need for gun laws it ain’t Constitutional; you know the part where it states well armed and regulated militia. Oops there is that word well regulated, the NRA will tell you that the Founding Fathers all good Christians didn’t really mean regulated they meant to say ridiculous militia, ridiculous enough to think they are above any law if they disagree. “Stuff happens” and as long as the NRA buys and sells politicians its gonna keep on keeping on until all the good guys shoot all the other good guys with guns!

Saturday, October 3, 2015


With never an answer to curbing more deaths by guns, the T-Bagging self anointed good Christian Pro Life cadre of crusaders instead decide to point fingers at the President because he had the audacity to proclaim guns do kill people, lots and lots of people. And since this time, taken out of context, (but then the T-Baggers love them some lies), the gun man in Roseburg asked if the people he was about to murder believed in God), and when they did indeed say so,  he said he will meet them with God. The T-Bagging hypocrites want to forgo the 45th massacre of the innocent and instead insist that these deaths actually prove there is a war on Christians, and this (we are not sure if he is a Christian or not president Barack Hussein Obama) hates him some Christians! Approach avoidance, (Conflict involving a decision regarding whether to pursue or avoid something that has both positive and negative aspects to it) at its finest. Somehow we approach our 45th mass murder accomplished with guns, the T-Baggers approached that aspect, but then they do the avoidance thing so well by demanding this is not about the deaths of innocence, but about the freedoms of gun owners to continue to be able to kill as they please. PA-Leeze!

These Baggers of Tea swear that they are pro life…but it seems if only that life is a zygote or fetus and living inside a female whose life doesn’t quite have the same value of that darned egg and sperm. More guns is the remedy for making life great. Forget those “stuff happens” deaths, had they been locked and loaded they would have stopped their own deaths. Forget those innocent lives snuffed out by a mad man with one too many guns, had the murdered joined the NRA they could gone commando and slayed the slayer. Forget bemoaning the deaths of people too liberal to demand they be given guns at births. Pro Life is for the fetus, once you are outside the womb you just need to be pro NRA (guns are like oxygen). So once again with the voices of the insane from Hannity, Gingrich, Bush and Cruz we see that life is worthless and you are even worth less if you ain’t got a good assault weapon lying next to your Bible! Pass the ammunition and say an amen!

Dear Pope Francis

It was a mistake, we didn’t mean for this meeting between the Holy See and the lady who sees nothing to take place. It happened but it didn’t happen the way you think it happened. As is usually the case when someone of importance takes actions that are found to be repulsive by the still thinking world with a conscience in tack, the muckity muck suddenly feigns ignorance. In Jeb Bush’s case his team of propagandists insist the whole thing was taken out of context, in Mc Carthy’s situation he never really meant to say the Benghazi Committee was just an RNC ploy, the lame street press misquoted him, and now the spokespeople for the Vatican are offended that anyone might think that this Pope would meet with a hissy fit female who is an anarchist. It really didn’t happen the way you are saying it happened. It almost didn’t happen at all. Or maybe it happened but no one was aware of it! Really, this Pope who has sent Bishops to the lower catacombs of the Vatican to never be seen again. This Pope who personally has removed the gold plated halos from Bishops who love them some bling. So we are to believe this Pope, a man who IS in control of his world had no idea that Kimmy Davis is a bitch!

Then as if the meeting with Kim Davis never really happened, at least the way we seem to think it happened, we are now told that this Pope is not a homo hating human, nope he met with a married Gay couple. (Love it, it almost sounds as if the Vatican paparazzi are saying some of the Pope’s best friends are Gay!…so easy to pretend you are not prejudice by saying that).So of course we are to forget that Kimmy Davis counseled by her band of Christian Jihadists met with the Pope. Okay, so even though I am not buying this brand of snake oil, i am sure many people will and I will recognize the infallibly of the Pope. BUT THEN I can’t permit he or his henchmen to slight me as a Gay man. Meeting with a Gay married couple as the anti-drug to meeting with a homophobic bigot isn’t even-steven! The married Gay couple are each married for the first time. Kimmy Davis was married four times divorced three times and had herself and adulterous affair. The married Gay couple wanted to feel equal to share in the freedom of marriage. Kimmy Davis believes equality is not a gift given to the Gays. Marriage even if it is four times around is a sacred creed that only heterosexuals deserve. the married gay couple kept their meeting with the Pope private all they wanted was his blessing. Kimmy Davis used this meeting to advertise that she is not alone in homophobia.

Dear Pope Francis, I am not a Catholic, but a human, and I actually began to believe you too were more then a Religious, and a human like me. You are way too savvy and smart to permit your hateful underlings to set you up in a gotcha moment…yet it happened! Even if some of your best friends are Gay, it seems that in your cadre of friends some of them seem to be an anarchist Christian Fascist who hate the homosexuals! 

Friday, October 2, 2015

Dear Jeb

Dear Jeb Bush (and you were considered the smarter brother)
“Stuff happens”, you smirked, shrugged, had that dear in the head lights expression on your otherwise emotionless face and offered prayers to the families whose loved ones died in a murder by a yet another man with a gun. Gum on your shoe as you are headed out to a big meeting, a zit in the middle of your forehead as you go on your first date, even maybe forgetting that you have not enough money in your account as you place your debit card in the ATM is stuff happening, Jeb! A 45the mass murder by assault weapons is not stuff happening Jeb. But then Jeb, as usual you are the puppet, the marionette on a string handled by your real daddies your billionaire donors. For your puppet masters things happening to anyone other then their own self-serving souls is Stuff happens. Lets see see when the sea levels rise and species of living creatures go extinct because your owners can make more money polluting the environment, you also refer to that as stuff happening. Reciting the same propaganda President Cheney and Vice President George Bush (get real Jeb even you knew who was in power) that the Iraq War was great for democracy, that weapons of mass destruction kept us from future wars and of course ISIS was never in existence while Georgie did his ethnic cleansing in Iraq  is also in your parlance, Stuff happening.And now you want to propose more stuff happening to the poor to be exact as you want more stuff happening in the form of tax breaks for your donor class of billionaires. You got keep the men who prop you up happy. 7 innocent people were murdered in Oregon Jeb, and your answer is “Stuff Happens!”


They were called retention drills. A terrible high pitched siren would ring in our elementary school and once we heard the piercing shrill sound we were to duck and cover,going under our desks and covering our heads, cause if the atomic bomb fell this would protect us.  Or we had fire drills, not as shrill as the retention siren, these were one or two second bleeps and immediately we were to form a straight line, and walk into the hallway standing directly against the wall, with one hand on that wall to help guide us to the nearest stairway and exit. When I was a young kid in the 50’s our fear were the “Commies”, or smothering from the flames of a fire. On Thursday another shooting took place on a college campus, and the college kids interviewed spoke about how they never thought their Active Shooter Drills they complied with in elementary school would come into play now that they were in college. Active Shooter Drills to learn how to cope with a crazy person and his or her gun. 

In this nation the answer to gun violence is to do nothing about gun violence and pretend that if more people owned a gun there would be no need to be afraid of gun owners. We are told in this nation that good guys with guns will solve the problem of gun violence. Recently a good guy with a gun shoot two innocent citizens while they sat in their car. Their car was being car-jacked and the good guy with a gun was not so good with his aim and shot the wrong people. Good guys with guns have let their guns loaded of course in arms reach of their children who emulated their good guy parents only to shoot their own good guy siblings. In this nation as is usually the case paranoia, inconsistent facts, and somehow Jesus always play into never really making things better, but instead complicating any attempt to solve a problem.

My kids are in their 30’s, I have no idea how I would feel knowing that while in school they are either learning about Active Shooter Drills, walking through metal detectors, or being taught by a teacher who is packing heat. I have no idea, as a parent of school aged kids how I would respond to my children when asked do you think that someone might come to our school like they did in Columbine, Sandy Hook, Aurora and now Rosewood and shoot us? I would have no idea how to answer the question Mom, Dad, should I learn how to shoot a gun to defend myself while in school? One more shooting, can’t wait to hear how the Jesus loving, Pro life, Evangelical Christian T-Bagging Fascist NRA card carrying politicians try and blame this on Obama, Hilary Clinton or those socialist looking progressive Democrats. One more shooting and I am sure we will ring our hands as we do so well, sigh a deep heave of sadness, swear this will be the last time we let this happen, and then tune into 24 news coverage a day, two weeks, or a month and witness yet one more mass killing. America the beautiful indeed!