The current gang of Christian Crusaders pretending to be American patriots is all aghast that Planned Parenthood performs abortions for women who have requested them. This gaggle of theocrats insist that the government should not foot the bill for something as unJesus like as aborting fetus’s (even though the government DOES NOT pay for abortions). But this same group of Jesus was the first president of the US have no concern when the government pays for the execution of men and women on death row (be they guilty or not of the crimes they are charged with). It seems the murder of human life is Christ like if the same Christian solider want to believe it is okay. You know, pick and choose God’s law to fit your own mood!
The current gang of Christian Goons pretending to be American patriots is at the ready to protest assisted suicide (a choice people in unending pain and incurable diseases and their loved one find compassionate and caring) they shout that the government must preserve life, after all Jesus would want it that way and didn’t he write the Constitution. But somehow the same Jesus loves me and not you crusaders don’t think the government should continue to pay medical bills, prescription bills and assist in affordable health care to keep people from suffering. This group of Christian Fascists don’t want to the government to permit you to end your life, and at the same time they really don’t care if your quality of life you life is one continuous form of misery. You know, pick and choose God’s law to fit your own mood!
The current gang of Christian Bigots talk loudly about preserving life, they choose to believe the New Testament tells them to respect life, but somehow their abridged version of the Good Book leaves out the parts about the quality of that life. Don’t kill the innocent fetus, but assume all people on death row are guilty. Don’t let individuals and their families die with dignity, but instead let them a life where dignity is not even on their ability to survive. This newly minted batch of Evangelical Christian Fascist Crusaders never want to find reason or rhyme in their religion, but prefer to act as if they were God, relating any of HIS words into nothing but lies, bigotry and hate. So far they all seem to be getting away with this quite fine!
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