Dear Paul Ryan,
Dude, you are quite the trending SOB, err, I mean GOP (Government Over-reaching Politician) celebrity. So cool Bro, for you to insist that before the Freedom Caucus (These GUYS crack me up they are the most restrictive group of Fascists in Congress) even consider you for the Numero Tres muckity muck job in the US Government, you MUST be able to take adequate family time leave to be with your wife and kids. Must be nice to find the free time from work to spend precious hours with your family. I imagine Dude/Bro that your family is exceptionally special as compared to say the middle class, minimum wage earners or those on the poverty level cause somehow in your days as just one of the regular Ayn Rand Anarchists you implied that work makes you free, kind of like Arbeit Macht Frei, used by the Nazi Government. (Your T-Bagging Buds love them some Nazi analogies so I thought I would accommodate).And there is NO time for family in that formula!
See Bubba, I find it troubling that the position of Speaker of the House could be given to anyone who CAN”T work maybe 80 hours a week considering the kind of consequences you and your cohorts wearing tri-corned hats have provided for this country …the anticipation of another Government shut down…insisting that social needs are less important than the lobbyists needs from the military industrial complex…trying to shut down the Environmental Protection Agency because your major donors would rather make more money from dirty air then provide clean air… All of this, just because Barack Obama is president)…(and I know your Party of White Robed we love Kim Davis is so pissed off that our democratic process helped elect the president for 2 full terms). Bro, you are just gonna dig in your partisan heals like the failure before you John Boehner and pretend that Hilary Clinton’s emails, Planned Parenthood’s falsified videos, and the success of Affordable Health Care are ALL dangerous terrorist plots to make America a Communist, Non- Christian nation. So all of that takes about 5 hours of your time…creating more jobs, better safe infrastructure, reinstating fair and equal voting for all and dumping the idea that Corporations are People who love paying for politicians like you is why you need an extra 75 hours.
Dude/Bro/Bubba all we hear is that you are DA’ MAN, the numbers guy who still believes in the Reagan-omics, trickle down economics errr VOODOO ECONOMICS and that you will bring intelligence to the negotiation table. PA-LEEZE Bub, you are a wealthy guy removed from real life pretending that if you wear your baseball cap backwards flexing atop a piece of gym equipment you are a real DUDE American kind go to guy. You speak Republican-ese Dude, you know the kind of language that comes from both sides of your mouth. You speak that New American Evangelicalism “Do unto others what you WOULD never do unto yourself”, you speak hypocrisy, like I want family time, but you peasants DO NOT! And to think you are the third in line should something happen to the VP and President!