Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Imagine, IF

Imagine if the Television Networks actually cared more about democracy and less about ratings what kind of debates we might enjoy. Imagine if the Networks sponsoring the Presidential Primary debates invited real professional journalists to handle the debate rather then some cable network entertainment spokesperson. Imagine if the kind of Journalist who gets to the root of a story and does not permit liars to lie, stupid people to pontificate, and politicians to pontificate could stop the puppet politicians and repeat, repeat, and repeat the same question until it is answered or the real answer of “I don’t know” is uttered!

Imagine if the political debates were not considered REALITY SHOW ENTERTAINMENT but news. Imagine if the hosts were not the ones trying to make the news but actually real reporters trying to get a true story. Imagine if instead of a dozen questions for the dozen of puppets on the stage, each debate focused on three issues, so each candidate is FORCED into providing more than personal insults or sound bytes! Imagine if with each debate we actually found out how knowledgeable or ignorant those running for the highest office of the land really are!

Imagine if facts began to matter again! Imagine if a real bi-partisan fact checker sat next to the real Journalist/Reporters and as fiction was bandied about as pure fact, someone could site the truth and have the candidate be asked to answer the question again! Imagine if we actually tried to use intelligence in selecting a presidential candidate rather exaggerated fascist remarks, foibles and hyperbole! Imagine just how scared the men and women might really be in being found to be a fraud, perhaps they would NOT participate or actually have to do their homework instead of preparing propaganda! Imagine id Democracy was given a chance to be discovered in America. Hard to imagine, I imagine!

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