Marsha Blackburn is the latest propaganda puppet to be placed on display by a very dysfunctional, pathetic, and paid for for by THE Corporations who are People political party (Republicans). It seems she will be the newest Select Committee Chair by the Tea-Baggers and wage a false war against Planned Parenthood. Ms Blackburn furrowed her manicured brow, clenched her wrist containing a gold watch and a thin bracelet with perhaps just one diamond on it and said her constituents are saddened, outraged, and infuriated that Planned Parenthood is selling fetus body parts. (The constituents Ms Blackburn is portably talking about are her Evangelical billionaire puppet masters and of course the RNC, and Ms Blackburn even admitted that perhaps the video’s of dismembering fetal parts are phony… but insisted if there is smoke there must be fire!) I expected her to don her fireman’s helmet or dress like a Southern chic Smokey The Bear.
The propaganda anarchists at the RNC are getting a bit savvy with their War on Women, they are now figuring out if a female handles issues of vagina’s, and all those other lady’s parts it won’t come across as icky as when a bunch of older white men try to place lock and key on uterus’s. Ms Blackburn is an avid anti-abortionist claiming to be Pro-Life (now remember within the Conservative Christian Party Pro-Life also is defined as Pro-Gun/ Pro-Death Penalty/Anti Food Stamps/Decrease in social security and that 50 times tried and true Anti-Affordable Health Care.) She will be permitted to have at least 3 other women on her committee( those T-Baggers believe as long as you have women disparaging other women there is no way any of them can be called misogynists.) Something is rotten in the dizzying dens of Planned Parenthood, and America can not be great again until every last vagina gets a an Evangelical permission bar code, or the women of color and poverty just die because they CANNOT afford health care!
Ms Blackburn without any hesitation states that there are many other clinics in this nation who can do the precise services Planned Parenthood provides (of course without that fetal harvesting thingie-do), and having NO Planned Parenthood is no big deal. We have so far spent over $4.5 MILLION on the Benghazi Witch hunt, so I am sure the thrifty T-Baggers who love to cut budgets will have no problem in spending just the same amount on their next round of Joe McCarthyism tactics. (One might stop for a moment and wonder if that $4.5 million dollar fiasco had been spent on better security for foreign embassies in the first place how the Benghazi tragedy might have been averted…and if the next bunches of millions that will be spent on the newest Commitment To Anarchy Committee were to actually go to women’s health how many more lives might be saved.) But then again one does not have to wonder that the only purposes of the T-Bagging/Republican Party is to keep the stupid even dumber, the fearful even more afraid and Democracy from finding form in this nation again! Hey Marsha, You Go Girl! Hope your daughters and granddaughters are proud of you!