Ben, Benny, Benny you da’ Bomb…no seriously when your drop your missiles of pure BS, they are almost as lethal as atomic weapons. Your bombs fall to Earth and do as much damage to the souls of a nation that radiation does to the skin and organs of the citizens of America. Are you really that dumb…rhetorical question Benny because I do know the answer. So, among the myriad of nonsense you have espoused in your run for the president of a political party based on Fascism and Theocracy and a lot of bat shit crazy you now have decided to rewrite history so you can protect the NRA and its band of OathKeepers, KKK and Aryan Nation extremists. (wait till they stop and realize you are a black man) pretending that more guns IS the answer to less gun violence. (There used to be a joke that people went to psychiatry because they had some of their own mental illness issues to deal with, I wonder if you went into neurosurgery because you knew you needed a brain transplant) But Benny I digress!
So your theory (based on some make believe story that you actually were in some kind fast food place with a gun pointed at you…and oh yeah that you were brave enough to say to the gunman, don’t shoot me, he has the money)IS that the Jews in Europe during the Nazi regime could have saved their lives had they not permitted the government to take away their guns. REALLY, Benny, REALLY! Did you have to take any history courses to get into medical school (again Benny a rhetorical question cause anybody with an IQ higher then 1 would realize how stupid you sound.) Yep, those crazy Jews died because they didn’t belong to GNRA (The German National Riffle Association).Just wondering Benny if you think that had the Jews living in ancient Israel, you know Mathew, Mark Peter etc and their bud Jesus not permitted the Romans to take away their weapons could they have saved their lives. (I am sure somewhere the Bible you profess to honor and holds more obligation to you then the US Constitution states clearly and God said to Jesus, thou shalt honor thy weapon as thou honors his mother and father!) I mean really Benny imagine how different the world might be if Jesus and his posse weaponed the Romans!
You are a scary man Benny, (of course even more terrifying are the goons who believe you actually make sense.) Benny have you ever viewed any of your speaking engagements, kind of freaky, Benny! Your eyes are always squinted, your monotone and lack of affect remind of the days in college when we smoked pot. Now if you were a black man representing the Democrat Party I am sure rumor would abound that not only were you high from weed, but certainly on a long, long acid trip. But you are trying to get the the office of president from that “Just Say No” band of hypocrites so of course NO ONE would even infer, (even if you a black man) that you do drugs. Ben, Benny, Benny Da’ Bomb I however have to BELIVE that only ONE under the spell of hardcore drugs could say the imaginary things you have spoken. The sad thing is you ARE probably high and all of us are going to have a bad trip!
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