Joe McCarthy had his Blacklist. It was HIS folder of people he called Communists either by direct association with the Communist Party or indirectly, people who knew people who knew people who once or never really had anything to do with Communism. In the heydays of crazy paranoia to even be considered as a potential entry onto that Blacklist was a death notice warning you that any second or day or week your life as a free American was or would be over. It was a list filled with lies and innuendo endearing to a Republican who feared freedom more then anything else and for democracy, because it might actually find Senator McCarthy a fraud.
The Enemies List was a special preoccupation from a paranoid and pathetic President Nixon. Afraid of anyone discovering his failures Nixon was always on the offensive. In this President’s mind there was no need for checks or balances and the all of the balance of power should be his. Taking cues from the history of Senator McCarthy and the simplicity of mitigating fear and loathing, Nixon had it out for anyone who ever contradicted his actions, questioned his sincerity or demanded fact when fiction was proven. This Republican sought dearly to come president, and he plotted and planned even more sincerely to maintain HIS power by placing into question who WAS really a patriot…people on his side or anyone else as enemies of the state.
Creating enemies is ploy a great perceived plot in which you insist you ARE an innocent bystander being run over by the sheer politics of others. Your intentions are pure, so you say; God is on your side, the Stars and Stripes flow bigger and brighter on your front lawn, and both Jesus and General Washington sing you a lullaby at night whispering in your ears “God Bless America”. You create enemies because of an insecurity that haunts you as if Halloween occurred every day. In American politics you usually have very little to offer to the common citizen, but you become wise enough to understand what fears and phobia those same simpletons enjoy. Never offer a solution is your advice too many particulars with that, but provide reasons to distrust, diminish and destroy. Find the foolish fancies of the self inflicted victims, the misunderstandings of those who refuse to compromise, and pathetically placate the poison that stirs inside the soulless interiors of the most insecure.
Politics in the USA have become an ugly demonstration of a poorly written Reality TV script. Compromise somehow makes you less manly, and in America it is still a man’s world, a white, heterosexual man’s world to be exact. Facts are fodder for propaganda, truth supposedly speaks for itself, even if YOU have spoken anything but! Round Three of the Republican Debacle and more lies, more fabrication more fiction erupted like Mt Vesuvius. When the liars themselves were called into question regarding the real evidence, suddenly a Blacklist/Enemies List was created. Following in the footsteps of two infamous Republicans before them the men and women on the stage at Debacle Number Three, being cowards and liars were smart enough to never answer the truth, but blamed the moderators for wanting to find it.