If it was not American T-Bagging Christian Fascist Anarchists with no real clue about life, limb or the value thereof thinking they should be president; one might think it was nothing but a bad skit on Saturday Night Live! A Neurosurgeon thinks the answer to the death by guns is to provide more guns. Give the good guys a gun to murder the bad guys. The good guys according to this Neurosurgeon is for them to tattoo a Golden C for Christ on their chest, so when they shoot at the bad guys, the Golden C will act as krypton like Superman and any incoming bullets will not penetrate their bodies. He is a Physician and took an oath if he can remember to heal, but this loony tune knows only Christ can heal and as long as you believe you will not be injured or killed. This loony tune knows the good Christians are made of some other kind of flesh and bone.
Then there is the Pastor. The con man with a Bible in his pocket, the hand of God up his ass, and hypocritical dribble always dripping down the two sides of his mouth. Sinners he declares shoot the gun, the gun DOES not kill and will not kill if held in the hands of the righteous, like the Cliven Bundy Clan, the White Hooded White Supremacists, the Oath Keepers who love to have their women remain chattel, nothing says female like being that extra rib from Adam. This Pastor is always trying to control the vaginas of women, declaring ALL lives emerge from that sperm and egg meeting, but if that life grows up and murders others with a gun, that egg and sperm were sinners at conception.
Then there is the canker sore, a Governor of Louisiana who believes that good women the kind married to one man, who only bake, cook, do laundry and make tons of babies will always have healthy breasts and vaginas, because a GOOD heterosexual man is Gods answer to medical insurance. This Governor who thinks a 4% in the polling numbers of people who still believe the Earth was created in 7 days, and the sun rotates around the Earth make him relevant and viable to become president. This canker sore swears on a Bible or two that all mass murders are boys from a single parent family. They had dead beat dads, and The Lord made Adam first and had that little bitch Eve not bitten into that apple, women would still be subservient. The canker sore, has told the public that an absentee father is just what the Devil wants and guns handled by children of a heterosexual father and heterosexual mother are good guns. All of these clowns want to be center stage under the Big Top, but really they should remain in the back of the tent in the freak show.
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