Dear Secretary Clinton,
Wow! At first I was a supporter of your candidacy to run for President.But then I read about your use of a private E-Mail account and sadly thought you are too savvy a politician and way too smart as an individual for this to happen. Perhaps, shamefully for me, I fell prey to the Republican propaganda machine, and began to question my support for you. I deeply and humbly apologize for that bit of stupidity on my part. I want you to know that this American citizen is proud of your service to this nation as Secretary of State! It seems after this 11 hour fiasco and sheer anti Hilary for President so called hearing I am stunned that history has repeated itself via Salem Witch Trials and The Joe McCarthy “are you now or have you ever been a Communist freak show. I am amazed at your demeanor, focus, patience and ability to sit and be insulted by a bunch of sound byte buffoons, political puppets, and partisan politicians who have nothing to do with the security of this nation just the security of their gerrymandered jobs!
Secretary Clinton you provided those elected officials with a lesson about US Government 101, 102 and a graduate course. Ashamedly none of those Republican robots at the ready to read a script prepared by the RNC knew little about how our government works. I have said before it would be nice for any elected official to first pass a 7th grade civics test and then maybe learn how each department within the Federal Government works. I would be proud to have you as Commander and Chief as you have shown your might battling a bunch of home grown terrorists. You stood strong to bully’s and you demonstrated how polished, professional and poised a leader you are.
The shame of America is with the sham and flim-flam the T-Bagging GOP politicians and their puppet masters try and deceive the democratic process. History is meaningless, facts become frozen in time, and fear, innuendo the form by which this disingenuous group of Anarchists perform. The Benghazi hearings were never about your duties as Secretary of State but about how afraid the Republicans are to engage in a political process fair and just. I respect you more NOW, Secretary Clinton as a leader, and thank you for all you have done for this Nation!
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