Friday, September 25, 2015

Kimmy Again

Kim Davis states her act of adultery, her four marriages her abandoning her children are not important anymore because her sins were washed away when she once again became born again. Hallelujah and pass the ammunition. Kim Davis says she is NOW doing the work of her Lord and savior and is so tired of being called all kinds of nasty names just because she is obeying her God’s laws which Kim Davis says with her hands on hundreds of Bibles HIS LAW supersedes any one a mere mortal can create. When Kim Davis wanted to wed the second and third and fourth time she first had to obey the mere mortal laws of the USA by first divorcing her first second and third husband. Now if Kim Davis was a child of the New Testament, truly the vessel of her Jesus, she would have ignored the silly man made laws that said polygamy  is wrong and instead followed the forefathers of Jesus who were always begatting one spouse after the other, over and over again, without that silly thing called divorce or man made divorce laws.

Kim Davis is all pouty and moody and sad because people are actually comparing her to Hitler. Golly gee folks get a grip even though Kimmy like Adolph discriminates, believes she has the power to decide who gets marries and who doesn’t, and declares who is equal and who isn’t, EVERYONE knows Hitler wasn’t a Christian so his kind of hatred is much different than that of a poor persecuted vessel doing the work of Jesus. Come on now, Hitler did evil things in the name of Hitler Kim Davis is just doing evil things in the name of Jesus and that DOES make a difference.

Kim is upset arguing she cannot follow her own religious bigotry and hate. She seems to forget that in this nation she certainly CAN believe that Gays are bad, blacks inferior, women chattel, immigrants lazy and anyone not Christian going to Hell, but not while actually working for the government. Kimmy wants her cake, wants to eat it, and then wants to throw the crumbs on anyone she deems less then. It seems that so far Kim Davis is winning (as Charlie Sheen once so prophetically shouted), because she still gets to continue her job, change the way her county government works and remain a heroine to the dredges identifying themselves as T-Baggers. No one has boldly or profoundly made it clear to Kim Davis that until Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee or Sarah Palin become elected as President this nation turns into a Fascist Christian state we still have a divide between church and state. 

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