Sarah and Bristol Palin are confused and disgusted that President Obama had the audacity to support Ahmed Mohamed. Bristol is sure Barack Hussain Obama hates the police and is the real instigator stirring up racial tension. And wise sage Sarah said Ahmed had it coming by being too bright and bringing a clock to school.
Sarah Palin you can’t teach your daughter (Bristol) the first thing about safe sex but you sure know how to fill her stupid little head with the ugly! You are nothing but a snake oil saleswomen and you have enabled your daughter to market the same kind of venom you thrive upon. What a useless lady you are Sarah. You are an uneducated buffoon, a bigoted bully and a hate filled person who is as stupid as the moose hunting, I can see Russia from my back porch I read no newspapers loons who follow you. You pretend to know the first thing about religion, politics and morals when in fact you abuse Christianity, offer en emptiness and void deeper then a journey from here to the ends of universe politically, and define morals as the best way to lie with a smile on your face. What an imperfect role model you are for your children and in particular Bristol. You are lucky that reality TV, FOX Noise, and Bible thumping demigods have somehow invaded the bodies of many Americans because otherwise your kind of stupid would have already smothered and mummified you. Bristol is almost as big a fool as you Sarah. I know you pretended to be all Christian and moral by not discussing safe sex with your twice out of wedlock pregnant daughter, but maybe there is still hope you can stop your own selfish self serving ignorance from seeping any further in your “I love abstinence” daughter. Sarah and Bristol Palin two individuals who will go down in history as some of most morally bankrupt, useless, and stupid people ever!
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