Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Insidious: proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects, treacherous; crafty. Too often the politics of especially the T-Bagging Republican wanna be presidential candidates follows a very insidious path. Lies are provided as truth, innuendo a sign of mastery, fiction falling from their mouths like leaves in autumn, and intentional harm similar to the person who cries fire in the theater after he shuts the doors behind him. Insidious, the men and one woman who claim they are the saviors of an American culture proclaimed to have fallen astray, these evil doers never want to claim the virus of madness they have spread to the minions of morose morons who beg to be punished, but languish in the icky effect that lingers and lingers. But as bad as being insidious can be there are degrees making it much worse.

Snake oil insidious: Donald Trump is just bright enough to know when the beggars of bigotry are begging for more, Donald markets his snake oil to them. He markets their hatreds, fears, and disfunction selling all of the poison in a promising bright bottle wrapped up with just enough glaring of red, white and blue but oozing in white sheets, swastikas, Confederate flags and old fashion lynchings. Pretending to offer a future of promise, always promising but never showcasing a plan, the snake oil insidious is the kind of evil for the here and now, and never for tomorrow. Donald sees the phony in the minority and markets all of their delusion with dread and disaster. Stupid insidious: Scott Walker is king of this. Scott never expresses his true thoughts because he hasn’t any instead he becomes the dummy for his ventriloquists the Koch Brothers. Ever hear Scottie say one thing one day only to have his handlers walk it all back blaming the press for misconstruing Scotties intentions. If Trump wants to build a Great Wall of Mexico, then good ole’ Scottie will rival that bull shit and build an even Greater Wall of Canada. Stupid insidious is dangerous because the evil person insisting the stupid is too dumb to know just how stupid he is and continues to provoke the even more stupid into victimhood.

Intentional insidious: This is the most dangerous kind of evil. Ted Cruz, whose father believes his son Ted is a disciple of God, the next prophet, actually believes this information might be true. But just in case the intelligent folks disagree Teddy is working hard to build a base of boogeymen to wage war on the nonbelievers. Ted is not dumb he is calculating and worries little about any consequences because he wears latex gloves at the scene of any of his crimes leaving little to no fingerprints. Blame black violence against police or on white folk on Obama, never say because Obama is a Kenyan, but leave enough rope for the lynch mob to take over. Pretend that that Planned Parenthood only participates in abortions, never mention burning down the buildings instead shut down the government. Insist that revoking your Canadian citizenship makes you more American then the president because conch know they grow only white folk in Canada and who do they grow in Kenya? Intentional insidious like that cancer cell growing and growing and if you do not take heed soon enough it kills you!

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