Ah Bristol you are too stupid to take the time and learn about safe sex, but bright enough to indulge in intolerance. Your (Mama Grizzly), Sarah couldn’t spend any time telling you about your choices of safe sex or abstinence, but the (I can Russia from my back porch) sassy talking diva certainly found the time to mold you into a bigot, a racist and of course an Islamaphobe. Bristol hun, I have to wonder how Family Services of Wasilla Alaska was never called to intervene in your home. Had anyone taken the time to realize just how many terrible parenting decisions your (I read a lot of newspapers and shoot moose mother) made; most social workers would have removed you and your other bigoted and siblings immediately. And Sarah, Girl, you love to find the most indecent, poor taste and uneducated examples to teach your kids just how to be dumb, dumber and ignorant as hell. I guess you are prepping them for their future as snake oil CEO’s. One day Bristol the loonies who wear tri-cornered hats and dress up in tea bags are going to be sent to the Moon, and I suppose they will invite you and your (death panel’s for everyone) mother to travel with them. I truly hope the era of stupid evaporates plenty soon and both the Queen and Princess of just dumb and stupid, you and your idiot mother are stowed aboard that rocket ship.
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