Thursday, September 24 was the second time I witnessed the Speaker of the House, John (Orangeman) Boehner demonstrate any emotion as he cried while in the company of the Pope. The other time I saw tears falling from his eyes was when he was first sworn in as House Speaker. Both times Mr Boehner cried tears of joy, the joy being for his life and his circumstances. Interestingly enough I have never seen the Speaker of the House (because his T-Bagging Christian Fascists are the majority) shed one single tear when they voted to defund Planned Parenthood. You know trying to stop the funding for something as silly as health care screenings for women, annual check ups for women who have no primary care doctor because they can not afford one or live too far to see one. Mr Boehner never boo hoo hoo-ed when Food Stamps were cut for all those lazy poor folk. You know the ones who might be paid minimum wage or not. Never a tear fell from Boehner’s empty eye socket when he and his cronies decided that no more money should be spent for mental health services for the Vets. Who asked them to volunteer in the first place! No sobbing taking place by Johnnie Boy, as one innocent victim after another was killed by people obsessed with guns in this country. It’s as ‘Merican as making moose pie after you hunt them for sport. I am glad John Boehner demonstrated some emotion upon being sworn in as Speaker and meeting the Pope, but where is his heart, soul or conscience when every day in this nation people go hungry, are denied basic medical assistance, are foreclosed on their homes ending up on the street, are disabled Vets returning to empty promises? Where are his emotions when species are dying because of climate change, when black lives don’t matter, when Muslims are kicked out of school for being too smart, when the disparity of wealth is smothering? Tears of joy for John Boehner and he has such a delicious life!
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