The war had begun, this time without bullets, or assault weapons, just the common knowledge that the use of fear, the encouragement of an enemy just a neighborhood away, and the inability of a nation so proud of its own democracy, as to not notice the decay which had been lingering, loosening its own foundations. The war had begun when a puppet was created, the body of a man so empty, of conscience, but so full of ego, as to be bought, bragged about, and filled with riches and rubles, easily swayed to act as a spy. The war had begun because this nation fussed and fumed about right and wrong, good and bad, while the enemy concentrated only on the selfishness, insincerity, and self-serving needs of politicians and people of great wealth who only wanted more, and more.
The war had begun many years ago, temptation and treason all paid for with money from off-shore accounts. The war had begin persuading the pay to pray religious folks, that as long as a sinner with power and prestige, can scapegoat others his sinister ways are meaning-less, and excuses will help him to become born again. The war had begun with the assistance that only greed and gluttony of capitalism, can provide. Bottom lines are like oxygen, more money, and it matters very little that the pollution in the lungs will eventually kill even the best billionaire. Just breathe in the anarchy and treason.
The majority of Americans understand that Trump and Putin, the Russian Oligarchs and the Trump Campaign have colluded and concocted a tale of revolution toward the United States. There is too much evidence, even for FOX News to ignore. The Republican Party leadership, so worried that democracy has never really worked well for them or in their favor, have aligned with Putin to install a right wing government, not by or for all the people…only the people deemed wealthy enough, Christian enough and white enough. One more day has gone by and the war drags on. Our nation is imploding, we all witness it as in watching a building collapse in slow motion. And as good little boys and girls sitting at our desks in elementary school, we behave…waiting for Mueller to save the day…we pretend that the Constitution will finally save us all…and all the while we are being robbed blind. All of this with our eyes wide open.