Of course there is no shock and awe as Trump stood in front of the Chinese leadership, kissing their rings, and finally kissing their asses. A big blow hard bully, while standing in front of his Confederate loving sons and daughters, and of course the nice Nazi’s, but when confronted with the perceived enemy, Trump’s hollow inside implodes and he is nothing but a coward. Oh yeah, and i am sure for his outstanding behavior as Coward-In-Chief, his family business received a few extra perks also.
Of course Roy Moore of Alabama is nothing but a hypocrite, unwilling to follow the law of the land, wanting to play by HIS rules, which HE pretends are the rules of some kind of demonized Jesus. Almost, like whimpers from a kitten lost in a drawer of socks, the GOP leadership, quietly say, Roy Moore should step down if these allegation are true. Not one word from the Party of Life while Moore disparaged the LGBTQ community, or called the Asian and the native American Communities, the yellows and the reds. And certainly not a single OMG, when Moore defied the Federal law on Same-Sex Marriage. You gotta have at least 51 votes in the Senate, so why make a fuss.
Of course, every single person connected to the Trump Campaign knew about the Russians, if not having met the Russians. Pretending that Trump, who has often times bragged that HE is the only one that matters, WAS NOT AWARE, is pure head up your ass syndrome. But its about Tax Breaks for the wealthy Republican Donors, who seemingly make the Nazi’s, the KKK, the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy, act more patriotic. Steal democracy from the United States, as we steal our tax dollars from the economy, just do your job you Republican puppets, or else. Of course Trump is an enemy of the state and his enablers are soldiers fighting this nation. we know this, yet on and on and on and ON, we go, permitting more rot and ruin to eat away at our foundations of a nation of laws. When, WHEN, do the real victims of this Russian attack on our nation finally fight back, to win back our country?