Not every “right” is the same, and not every “wrong” has equal barring. The Republican Party and their propaganda machine has been quite aware of this idea, and throughout the Clinton/Trump Election Campaign have danced a very cunning and convincing dance, with enough savvy and sophistication as to trick the media in trying to present both Political Party’s as the same. Currently, the Media is being manipulated into playing a well oiled game called ‘tit for tat’ or as Fox News so well lies about it, something called “Fair and Balanced”
Harassment and Sexual Aggression against women IS wrong. No debate, not reason to argue. Women are not chattel, nor are they second class citizens or should ever be. But currently, with the assistance of a smart and (we will get even with you) attitude, the Conservative propaganda machinery has begun to deploy a version of a game called Trump 2.0. During the Presidential Campaign, whenever the Trump Campaign lied, or its candidate said yet one more stupid and ingenuous statement, the Media felt the obligation to then find some comparison to the Clinton campaign, presenting to the viewer that BOTH sides were actually equal in how they played the political game. As Trump lied, suddenly a vast conspiracy team of experts popped up appearing on ALL of the Media Talking Heads programs and found false facts that proved Hillary lied just as much as Trump; and in fact they embellished her non-lie into an enormous ‘Buyer Beware’ moment. Suddenly, with the all the truthful evidence against Trump, Hillary, via here say and the Media thinking all kinds of wrong are the same and all kinds of rights are the same, made a sham of the truth, and bought tempting lures used by the fishermen of the Republican’s casting into the sea of social media doubt.
Senator Al Franken was a pig, a nasty male who used a women for a joke, thinking her body was no more than a tool for his comedy. It was as if the woman did not matter. Senator Franken was caught, he tried and apologized (not dismissing his actions), but he also stated that since that time he had discovered that women are equal to men and always should have been considered so. Roy Moore, has been accused of groping, touching, seducing and engaging women and young girls into sexual submissive situations, that is not only an arrogant and insidious behavior, but true and illegal act. Donald Trump has orally bragged about his tactics in demeaning women, and has proudly compared women as if he was hunting on a safari, and they were nothing but trophies. And now with a visual aid of Al Franken touching a female, the Conservative Media is ONCE again, playing the Media its game of “Well if the Republicans do it, and the Dems do it, then isn’t it a moot point, after all!
NO, NADA, NOPE. What happens with the manipulation of the definitions of right and wrong, by the Republican Press defines the discussion of the act and makes all of the actors seem the same. And as awful and disgusting as were Al Franken’s actions, Trump and Moore are awful in a different way and deserve a different kind of discussion and a different end result. Lets, look closely at just how sincere or insincere these men have or had been in their actions. If we play the Republican game of Its all the same, we never EVER look at the PERSON, or place responsibility on HIM. We did this once before, between Clinton and Trump, and none of it was as the adage goes, comparing “oranges to oranges”.