We have been warned, directly by Trump, that he has no respect of the laws explicitly defined in the Constitution, and we have been cued into the fact that if he had his way, governing would change and the President, as in the Dictator, as in Party Leader, as in the Emperor, should, could and would be the person to assign guilt or innocence to not only the common citizen but to anyone considered a political opponent, especially a political opponent threatening the security of the guy identified as President. We know that speeches and tweets like these coming directly from an ill informed, idiot with no knowledge of American history or government, aimed at the percentage of his followers, who may have never taken a ninth grade civics class, let alone would be able to pass a new citizens test, idolize the simple method of, all we need is one boss and everything bad will go away. Messages like these lead to Authoritarian Style government which fall under a Fascist Regime or a Communist Regime have yet to be questioned by the GOP, let alone alarm the GOP that the landscape is ripe for democracy to die a swift death. The silence of the GOP, because they still believe tax cuts for the wealthy and at least two more Christian Conservative activists Judges on the Supreme Court, is a priority; has become overwhelming, to those of us who appreciate the checks and balances of our government. We watch as placing the petty politics of a bunch of wealthy American oligarchs as THE Republican’s priority, above saving our democratic principles, as well as misinforming a bunch of self victimized uneducated racists and bigots become more normal each day, and worse, uncontrollable each minute it is not stopped.
Polling places in Georgia have been swiped clean as question arise regarding the hacking of those computerized voting machines. We discover unconstitutional voter purges in Wisconsin prior to the 2016 election in predominately democratic districts. Gerrymandered districts popping upon in Red States denying a fair opportunity for the people to make a legitimate choice. We watch as Senators delay serious meetings on possible Russian collusion with the Trump Campaign. We listen as the Republican leadership in the House is now contemplating yet more Committees on anything Hillary, but stating that there is no reason to investigate anything Trump any more. We speak as if the Russians are the only ones who provided fake news, as we ignore the tactics and outright lies from FOX News. And each day becomes easier for America to slip into the hands of treasonous people and anarchists, afraid of one person one vote.
So, again, I wonder, what do we do? Will history look at the American public as they did with the German’s during WWII, wondering why if the facts were right in front of their faces they denied the death of their democracy? Will America slip into the mode of the 50’s where enemies internal and external abound prompting groups of KKK, Fascists, Anti-Semites to police and purify our society? Will America find itself as did the French, before their revolution, with the wealth divide so great as to cause the need for a revolution? We MUST decide that the minority of the Trump base will not set the future of this nation. We tried resisting, and I wonder what comes next?