Standing, with his right arm up to his God, with a piss ant shit eating grin, perturbed that ONCE again, he had to swear under oath, The Attorney General of the United States of America, the, go to guy for crime and punishment, Jeffrey Sessions, is called into the chambers of the Congress, to tell his story AGAIN. Demanding that he IS not a liar, but changing his recollections of events in which he had been present, to include some of the truths told to Mueller by others under oath, suddenly the lapses of Jeffrey Sessions memories erupt and he recalls. Of course he recalls but in doing so, demands that those eagerly wanting the truth are too eager to demand it from Jeffrey Sessions.
Standing in before an audience of good ole’ Southern boys and girls, not just good ole’ boys and girls, but Evangelical Christians, hell bent on either throwing the homosexuals from high a top roofs onto a a cement ground, and closing every Planned Parenthood, stripping women of any rights toward their own reproductive lady parts, Judge Roy Moore, tells the audience HE is the victim. Moore provides a sermon explaining that like Jesus, he, Moore is being persecuted for just being a Christian man doing God’s work on Earth, while the heathen liberals run rampant similar to the Native Americans. Christianity is the answer to the lawlessness, the lavishness, and the oppression from which the USA suffers. It wasn’t like that in the glory days of the Confederacy!
The Republicans hesitate to recognize the truth about Trump and Putin. They first have an agenda to create a bigger wedge between the have’s and the have nots. Tax Reform before reforming our own government back to a better form of Democracy. More Conservative judges in Federal Courts, so diminish the hopes and freedoms of minorities. And of course more feed in the feedbag of wealthy men and women who care about one thing only and it ain’t the democratic principles of this nation.
Nine members of the Trump Campaign have admitted to conversations, meetings with Russians. Cabinet members of the Trump Administration have done everything in their power to disrupt public education, public housing, public lands, and even the clean air the public so far has been breathing. Trump trusts a KGB agent, is not quite sure of his own team of spy’s. And yet, AND yet each and every day, our democracy becomes thinner and thinner. Our rights, become more invisible.Our Constitution is now being used as a paper liner for out glassware and plates in some shitty kitchen cabinet. AND FOR ME, all it seems I can do is rant and rave, write a blog, and start all over again the next day. How is this possible?