We are learning a tough lesson about life. We are learning that greed is good, religion is a weapon of politics, capitalism does not correlate for the poor, learning history is a lost art, lying is acceptable when the liar is on your side, the way we used to do things is NOT in the past tense, and that power is a priority not to improve the lives of others but to maintain a firm grip to remain ahead of the others!
We have black lives that didn’t matter, we have innocent lives of school age children, movie patrons, concert goers, that were deemed less important than the use of guns. We have pretended that immigrants were NEVER an important part of a making of this nation. We have decided that some Gods are good and others bad. We have demeaned those who love differently, see themselves in their own bodies as someone else. We have been invaded by a foreign power, without the use of nuclear weapons, and pretend that since the fall out is not atomic particles, there is nothing to REALLY worry about. And now we are speaking aloud about harassment and abuse of a demographic who since the early days of this nation have been considered chattel and nothing more than and extra rib from Adam.
We are learning new norms, none of which contain morals or values. We have discovered the weakness of democracy due to the weakness of the men and women empowered to protect it. We wait each day for some other Earth shattering Tweet, Response, Lack of Response, Lie, and Refusal to take action. How many of us wake up each day, and before we touch our phones, tackle our computers or turn on the TV wonder…has the Third World War happened, has there been a coup in our government, who is now the newest enemy, and is Trump still in the White House and WHY? I rant I rave, I blog, but I do so because honestly without attempting those three things I am afraid I will not breathe. I feel smothered…like those horror movies when the main character is in bed and some unseen demon or spirit is placing a pillow over the characters mouth. All I feel I am doing to save myself and the world is lashing out, pushing the pillow away from my mouth. I wonder just how long i have to do react this way. We are learning a tough lesson about the disregard for equality, fairness and of course the pursuit of happiness.