Saturday, November 11, 2017

Veteran's Day 17

Veteran’s Day, 2017! Men and women have come forward to risk life and limb to keep the world as safe as possible from those, who had or have little concern for freedoms, equality and justice. Family and friends courageous, fighting for a nation built on democracy, decency, finding sanctuary in the satisfaction that the pursuit of happiness are not just words or ideas, but ideals to attain and maintain. This land of the free, must remain free, and sometimes war is necessary to resist the tyrants, who seek to find fortune in the misfortune of others. Sometimes, we question the premise for war, but the Troops either enlisting or volunteering fight on, go to battle, believing that there is duty in preserving a quality of life, that might otherwise be destroyed or devastated by dictators, and those who delight in demeaning the democratic principles.

Veteran’s Day, 2017! And questions abound as to the legitimacy of not only the current administration sitting in the White House, but the Majority Party, too perplexed in providing their puppet masters with more, while the main stream man and woman receive less. The Commander-In-Chief, without ever understanding any consequences for his actions, rattles a saber, almost begging for a conflict to explode. Never having faced battle, actually running from it he has no problem in instigating another war. This war having the potential of no more Veteran Days in the future.

Veteran’s Day 2017! A sense of stench arising from the mouths of those who find hate to be truth, truth to be spoken in the form of bigotry, and bigotry, the mantra of a once greater nation. It is as if when Putin placed Trump in the Oval Office, he ordered, Mr Trump to create chaos and conflict. Perhaps, yet another war, a new Civil War. This war without a north or south demarcation, but a juxtaposition of equality against inequality. Veteran’s Day 2017! Are we more now a nation divided, a nation seeking differences, a nation devoid of our democratic history? Veteran’s Day 2017, what will come next?