5 years ago, yesterday, December 14, 2012, my daughter was 32, my son was 34. In the preceding 5 years since 2012, I have been able to “kvell” at the movie, “Hole in The Wall”, written and directed by my son, and listen to almost 2 dozen songs written and performed by my daughter and her friend Scott from their group called TeamMate. In the 5 years ago, since yesterday, I have witnessed my kids becoming young adults, pursuing careers, achieving goals and celebrating their lives, my daughter is now 37 and my son is 39. Since December 14, 2012, I have spent 5 years understanding my role as a father, my role as a friend, sharing my unconditional love throughout the period. I never take for granted those past moments, but I do with a full heart appreciate the memories made, between father, daughter and son.
5 years ago, yesterday, December 14, 2012, murder came to Sandy Hook Elementary School, and ended the minutes, moments, memories to be made of the lives lost, by an insane individual permitted to find access to guns. The wonders of the world ahead ended, the dreams and desires stopped, and the future collapsed as the victims died. No more smiles, sighs, snickers, laughter, or love anew, all of those who lost victims of the senseless murders at Sandy Hook, had to say goodbye. Parents no longer could hug their children, or watch them dream.
5 years ago, yesterday, December 14, 2012, a whole bunch of Republican lawmakers, extended their hopes and prayers to the victims and their families. Most of those Republican lawmakers, left their Washing DC offices, returning to the arms and souls of their own children. 5 years ago, yesterday, December 14, 2012, the GOP insisted that NOW, right NOW when the murdered were dying due to gun violence, was not the time to discuss making changes toward Gun Laws. Wishes, prayers, hopes, were all the GOP could offer, for fear that their Sugar Daddy, the NRA might provide them with a lump of coal for Christmas. Of course ALL of the Republican lawmakers had a great Christmas with their kids, and many most likely for the past 4 years and this coming season will continue to have a delightful and Merry Christmas, with their children. There is so much WRONG in this nation, so were so many opportunities to turn that WRONG into something RIGHT…But politics, selfishness, greed and lack of conscious, ALWAYS get in the way!