I understand the old adage that it takes small victories to win the war, and I am pleased that a majority of Alabamians understood the difference between right and wrong, having morals vs lacking values, but it was a tight race considering one of the two men had been accused of predatory unlawfulness, and the other man actually was able to convict Ku Klux Klansmen on murdering children. It was a victory, but the war on Democracy and the democratic principles is still in effect.
Now the gerrymandered, voter restricting Representatives in Congress, the men and women who really HADN’t won their own political campaigns with honor and honesty, have developed a new tool to fool, the easily fleeced…they call it the need for a second counsel. These enemies of democracy refuse to entertain the idea of spending more resources on the current list of committees dealing with Trump corruption and collusion, they spent millions of dollars and staff time on anything Hillary…but NOW with the guilt growing grander, suddenly want to stop progress on saving democracy to creating a more comfy Fascist form of governing. The real enemy are the members of the GOP who understand exactly just how impotent, innocuous, and irresponsible their Party and Policies provide the American people. Who is left to save the implosion and demolition of our Democracy.
And as far as victories go, has anyone heard a concession speech by the bully named Roy Moore? Has anyone heard the Attorney General from the state of Alabama provide the sentences necessary to finalize the victory of Doug Jones. Has anyone heard ANY recognition by the Communist Party (oops I mean the Republican Party of Alabama addressing that democracy has found footing? Small victories, are important, but the war still continues.