In the year 2017, the Supreme Court has the audacity to hear a case regarding discrimination against the LGBTQ community, presented as a cause for Religious Freedom. In the year 2017, the Supreme Court still has no understanding regarding the Constitutional divide between Church and State. In the year 2017, Southern Baptist Evangelicals have confused a loving God with a homophobic Snake Oil Salesman prying on the intellectually depraved and self victimized peons, freely happy to blame their Jesus as the cause for hatred and bigotry. Among the many attributes in my 68 year old life I happened to be born Gay, as I was born with brown hair and brown eyes. I struggled trying to fit into the perceived norms of a nation in the 1950s which left little room for anything gray, preferring straight lines and being black or white. At first I fought what I thought was a private war, a nightmare, that I could not share with anyone else, for fear they might actually think I was the Devil. I kept my closet door shut long and lonely years, peeking out now and then and worried who might see me walking out into the open. I will never go silently into that closeted life again, and I will NOT permit homophobia, in the guise of Religious Freedom, to be used as a means to let Hate somehow seem Holy.
The audacity of the Supreme Court Justices to think that free speech is permitting a sign in the windows of a public market place to say, we don’t serve Homosexuals. I thought we fought a Civil War to end segregation based on religious dogma, I will not have gay bakeries, and straight bakeries. I will have not have heterosexual only shops and homosexual only shops. I understand just how evil and sinister this nation has become, when the Commander-In-Chief says thee are also good Nazi’s. I understand how out of bounds this nation has become when the Attorney General, lies under oath and lies again and again. I understand that for many Evangelicals the only thing Jesus cares about is women’s reproductive parts, and anything Gay, no abortion, no gay marriage. But you can cheat on your heterosexual spouse, sexually abuse, young girls, lie about facts, commit adultery, and rip apart families especially if they are not of your color or your particular religion.
NOPE! NOT! NADA! NO! I am too old and have traveled too many detours to get to where I am. I have fought off too many innuendos, too many perceptions, to many hypocrites, to permit a baker, a nurse, a doctor, a pharmacist, a waitstaff, a political, president, a Supreme Court Justice to even infer, that I am inferior. I did that been there, and hated it. Religious Freedom is wonderful when practiced in your own home or place of worship. It is Religious Hatred when it is practiced on me. I will ACT UP I will ACT OUT, I will RESIST!
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