Thursday, December 7, 2017

A Double Dose

The inventiveness of sheer hypocrisy by the Republican Party has provided the American viewer with a double feature, today. While supporting a president who has admitted on tape about groping and grabbing women, NOW supporting the candidacy of another man who has been accused of pedophilia, and sexual harassment, the GOP looks the other way, silent, as if in ignoring the real situation it will become FAKE news, BUT the GOP leader McConnell speaks up along with Lisa Murkowski urging Senator Franken to resign for all of the indignities he has been accused of, some real some accused. Lisa Murkowski, remains very quiet regarding Roy Moore, but that again is hypocrisy in action, as Senator Murkowski, received a special set of gifts from the Republican party for her efforts in voting for the Trump Tax Scam. None of this shocking because, after all they are Republicans.

Paul Ryan, a two faced, demon, pretending that he IS one of the common people, way over his head in making intelligent decisions, has jumped into the hypocrisy fray, having the audacity to say, that since his Party has raised the deficit by $1.1 Trillion, something must be cut. The Trump Tax Scam has enlightened the pockets of the wealthiest of Americans, and because of this Paul Ryan, looking all concerned and at the ready to blame someone else for his incompetency, has decided that the poor and the elderly must pay help stop the deficit, either by  NOT being poor or NOT being old, OR just slash the budgets of Medicare and Medicaid. With an all earnest look on his face, the one he uses when his lie is REALLY a juicy one, somehow Paul Ryan and the republicans who knew going into the newest TAX SCAM about an increase in the deficit, pretend that this pesky poor and old people are the cause for stupid math and stupid budget planning.

The Republicans have been masters in the making of HYPOCRISY, for too long the media and the American people have been fools in accepting the double standards, and today, December 7, 2017, on two fronts the GOP has provided a Master Class in how to sell snake oil and call it a miracle. When do we the people fight back. WHEN!