Tuesday, December 19, 2017


As the “Main Street” Media begins to base the bizarre reporting by the Far Right conglomeration of FOX News, Breibart Noise, and Nationalistic Nostalgia for everything Nazi, as debatable truth, lending their own Talking Heads to help undermine, the truth, we once again have resurrected the case against Hillary, but this time lets just refer to it as the case against the FBI. Little facts, hundreds of falsehoods shared by phony journalists and more likely entertainment hacks, the “Main Street” Media once again develops amnesia forgetting just how hard they fell for the BOGUS BULL SHIT during the 2016 Presidential Election. The amazing capacity, that the Republican Conservative Propaganda has in creating false talking points, weird and wild, suddenly become debatable. When will the “Main Street” Media understand just how much of a stooge, a variable for the dumb, they willingly choose to become for the treasonous, anarchist Fascists of the Trump Administration? 

The House is now voting on their Tax Scam. Simply put a way to placate the rich, eliminate the poor, and leave anyone else in a kind of Twilight Zone existence. Lying as usual, pretending that Jesus, would approve, and of course refusing to talk the fact of the Tax Scam, the House will vote and INSIST then American thing to do is rob the poor and pay the wealthy. And every person watching FOX, reading Breibart, paying Pat Robertson hundreds of dollars to talk say a good word for them, OR those who think Steve Bannon and Vladimir Putin are more American than apple pie, will gleefully shout hurrah, we won! 

America has such a lousy track NOT repeating history. We’ve seen the devastation, destruction and complete DUMBNESS of not reading the lessons of history, but preferring the lies of lunatics!