It was, Tuesday, April 3, 2018, just yesterday. I awoke feared the information I might find on my news feed regarding the immature idiot, placed into office by a corrupt group of enemies of the state, from Putin to McConnell, Manafort, Flynn, enabled by Rupert Murdoch and embraced by a group of Christian Evangelicals believing that not permitting same-sex marriages, and women the freedom toward their own reproduction organs is more of a priority than saving democracy. I awoke, ready to write another blog, where I would sigh, simmer, stew, rant and rave, knowing that mostly people who agreed with my sense of what is fair and what is rotten would read my words; and somehow learning that during the we hours of the morning, the man placed into the position of Commander-In Chief spewed his few remaining brains cells on wanting to place troops on Mexican boarder, praised Putin again, continued to divide families with his lack of knowledge of DACA and of course his lack of empathy for anyone not named Trump. I sat up in bed, and could actually feel my heart racing so fast that for a moment I feared I might actually be in the midst of a heart attack. As my rate of breathing increased, as if my brain had become my enemy, all I could thing about was everything, NO EVERYTHING, bad, gross, wrong, immoral perpetuated by Trump and permitted by a billionaire donor class of Republicans, encouraged by a most stupid uneducated group of deplorable Americans, assisted by a gaggle of greedy paid puppet GOP politicians, and embraced by the most bigoted individuals this nation has seen since both the American Civil War and WWII! All of this, honestly, all of this hit my body and soul at one time, and all I could do was fall back into the bed place the sheets over my head, and tell my very worried husband, I can’t get up, I just can’t cope with today. Joe, being a loving spouse, became worried was I really about to have a nervous breakdown, maybe a stroke. He tried his best to comfort me, but NOTHING could calm the nervous tsunami swirling rising and falling inside my gut. For that moment, that morning, I almost gave up, gave in, and almost let Trump win.
For those who read my blogs, thank you for letting me share my angst, my anger my frustration my fear, but on Tuesday, April 3, 2018, no coherent words, no sensible sane thoughts, nothing could forge its way forward from me. Trump IS still sitting in the Oval Office and it seems nothing is really being done to thwart the efforts of his puppet master Putin from Trump continuing to con this country. It was difficult for me yesterday, trying my hardest to avoid each and every ignorant, uninformed, bit of treason tried by Trump. I guess the saying, that you must reach the bottom before healing thyself holds true for me. On Tuesday, April 3, 2018 I let trump win, ready to let him take my country from me. But then today, on Wednesday, April 4, 2018, I awoke and DECIDED, silence equals death, and if I die, it will not because I said nothing, but because I died screaming the truth, for me and the next generation of my family and friends. We must remove this man from office. We must stop the stupid from running this nation. We must begin to set higher moral standards. We must be loud, we must make our voices heard.