Once again, the Cable News pundents, have forgotten to do a reality check, as they pretend to report the current events of the day. On MSNBC (my favorite network, albeit sometimes, they make huge mistakes like inviting misogynists, and Putin sympathizers on their shows), the well coiffed and supremely tailored Talking Heads were suggesting that the BLUE WAVE is coming. Of course no one really knows if it is coming, but the conversation was reminiscent of the Hillary landslide that of course was inevitable. At the same time as the well paid Talking Heads were of course talking, down on the right hand corner, where that little strip of news slides by to distract you just enough to almost listen to what is being discussed, a blurb was flowing gently beneath the Talking Heads, which read. The Russian’s are continuing to blatantly hack into and disrupt the Mid Term Elections in this country and around the world. So, here I am listening to the certainty of the BLUE WAVE, while all along, the RED WAVE (not the GOP, but the Russians) has not quite crested and may in effect become tsunami like during the Mid Term Elections.
Hmmm, no overt laws to disrupt the Russian hacking, no overt action to secure our polling place and no overt Talking Heads lamenting history repeating itself, but reporting on covert actions, known about, by the Russians against the democratic principles of this nation. HUH! WHAT! WAIT! We know Putin has not stopped his interference with our elections, we know that he and his band of merry hackers had a field day during the 2016 elections…we know ALL of that and somehow, we are smug enough to think their will be a BLUE WAVE. OMG, no seriously OH MY GOD…how stupid do we need to become until stupid IS the official language of this nation.
Of course Trump has demonstrated he will NOT, NEVER, EVER do anything to stop Putin, and we know that most of the Republican Party is being blackmailed, so they will not be the checks nor the balances, and yet…AND YET the Talking Heads pretend that none of the Putin propaganda matters. HELP, no seriously, HELPPPPPPPP! What the fuck, we see the future, we saw the past and there is nothing we are doing about any of it in the present. i don’t get, NO, I don’t fucking get it!