The kids in Syria are still victims of a regime, so insecure, regarding its authenticity, and as such, are dying of starvation, dangerous chemicals, and left at the mercy of a government pretending to be of and by the people. The kids in Flint are still victims of a Governor so corrupt as to place the wants and wishes of his mega donors, those who see profits before people, leaving many children scared for life with lead, which will poison their entire bodies for as short a life as they now may or may not live. Death is all around these children either from the Middle East or living in the Mid west. Nothing but words and pretentious apologies are offered, and yet each day, more kids are affected and more kids suffer. We’ve seen this before in history, we’ve rung our hands and as we supposedly looked back upon those days, with utter disgust, swore it couldn’t, wouldn’t and won’t happen again. Yet in this nation which is more and more becoming a Christian Nationalistic country, we hear from the self proclaimed army of God, that each life is a gift, and we should celebrate the birth of that life…but after the woman’s water breaks, the journey of a good life is a toss up, if you are truly blessed by God, all is well, if you fucked up a ling the way too fucking bad!
A leader of a nation, whose credentials have never been fully vetted, lies and lies again. He creates an enemy’s list, he tries to silence the freedom of the press, by telling us his freedoms are the ones at risk. He hires kiss ass men and women, whose vile understanding of honesty is tied to a paycheck and to how many dangerous sound bites they can produce. We have had men and women like this in the past, but that was history, and well, isn’t history only a theory! Truth cannot be trusted, if the wrong people say the right thing, they might actually be the cult leaders swaying an already insecure and inept population to the edges of a large cliff, and we all know about the folk lure of the lemming. And who said a cult is a bad thing, sure Trump is inept, but he has made millions, no billions of dollars and has always done the best, the better, the most, no need for anything more, why all that stuff worked well for Stalin, Hitler, and Putin…so what could go wrong.
Today, much to my chagrin, Andrea Mitchell had Corey Lewandowski on her show to actually debate the merits of James Comey and Robert Mueller. Mr Lewandowski has been considered misogynist, a bully, a fixer for trump and connected to all of the treasonous guys working against this nation in favor of the Russians, and yet somehow, Andrea Mitchell felt it necessary to have a DEBATE on Trump’s standards and values vs anyone else’s. And that is just it, just as ALL of the networks did prior to the 2016 election, they pretended that right vs wrong is even a DEBATABLE subject. History proved to us that cheating, lying, collusion, corruption don’t have any moral standards, yet once again SOMEWHOW, forgetting history, as we often do in this world…we pretend that people like Corey Lewandowski have anything of value to add to an already fucked up and terrible time ion our lives. Are we all that stupid as to ignore the lessons of history, or pretend history is just an irrelevant passing of time?