Friday, April 13, 2018

everyone anything

Once more, once again, we pretend to be shocked that ANYONE Trump is still denying EVERYTHING illegal Trump and his crime family have committed. The Talking Heads still use a question mark when making statements regarding collusion, criminal acts, anarchy, and treason; their questions are never rhetorical, and we dance around the fact that Trump is a dangerous man. How mentally unstable is he…did you know he Tweeted at 3:00 am in the morning…he loves to undercut anyone who disagrees…he changes direction and policy depending on what FOX and Friends discusses…and we wait with baited breath hoping that the ole’ ‘Checks and Balances’ our Founding Fathers realized was a staple for democracy to survive, still survives. The GOP become hero’s when they leave office, offering candid conversation regarding the mess which is Trump. Bravery for them is depart the scene of the crime, then discuss the crime, as if they were never a part of it. Once more, once again, we might go to war, because Trump is pissed that his lies about EVERYTHING are being discovered. Once more, once again, we make the common man a villain due to the temperament of Trump to try and defraud the nation of truth. And on and on and on it goes…

We pretend that there will actually be a fair and honest Midterm election in 2018. Nothing done to protect our polling places, except for the GOP pretending that EVERYTHING that went wrong in 2016 was because of Facebook. We pretend that all of the departing rats of the sinking Republican ship will improve the dems chances, all the while ignoring the hacking and continued interference by Trump’s bud Putin. We pretend that it will be okay if trump remains in office because the Dems will take over the majority of both houses of government. And then the pundents have the audacity to begin a dialogue whether or not it will be in the interest of the Dems to pursue impeachment. Really!

Each day my angst and anger heightens, knowing that Trump is STILL the guy to avoid the Constitution, the guy to make side bets, the guy whose family continues to profit from the tax payer, and the guy who hires others to rip us off in plain sight. Lets stop debating is Trump the worst, or the dumbest, or the most stupid person to sit in the Oval Office. Lets stop asking what is next. Lets BEGIN to harass each and every Republican politician, demanding why the double standard, demanding and answer instead of a propaganda line, demanding that they explain why their donors desires are the priority.  Lets stop being quiet, PLEASE, lets not remain silent. Inaction is as bad as the actions Trump and his crime family have take to fight EVERYTHING and ANYTHING democracy stands for, or at least USED to stand for.