Of course James Comey is only human, and as a Hillary supporter, I grew angry with his insistence to become a part of the political history during the 2016 election cycle, but reading about Mr Comey’s past, his abilities and his participation in the governing process prior to the last year of the trump/Clinton debacle i did gain an understanding and respect for the higher percent of his merits than, what i assumed at he time were his missteps. BUT here is the real deal folks, something many of us should be considering in this current invented flap regarding James Comey…have you looked at and listened to the slew of slimy Republican who have disingenuously disgusted in great lying detail the particulars of this Prosecutors life.
You got the Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi Boys, like the dishonest Trey Gowdy, the guy who redacted the truth and reinstated his own words, along with the ever kiss ass Jason Chaffetz, the man who helped vote against more money in the budget for better security for all Embassy’s. Then you got yourself some Newt Gingrich, the guy who chastised Bill Clinton for his extramarital deeds , all the while cheating on his first wife, who was ill, and finally dumping his second wife for a third bride. Now add the newest voice on ABC (you know America’s Network) the Governor who closed roads and threatened the Mayors of his state that tough tax times would befall them if they did not support his run for Governor. You got these DISHONEST politicians hacking away at Comey, while none of them seem to have said word one on the Russian hacking of the 2016 elections.
Then you have Ronna Romney McDaniel the RNC Chair (the woman who was asked to remove her maiden name because it offered Trump) who never read Comey’s book declaring it was full of lies. The Evangelical liar (learning her craft of snake oil from her dad)Sarah Huckabee Sanders, looking like she is always sitting on the toilet pooping, sing the same mouth and tongue from which she praises her Lord and Savior, expressing snarky comments that Comey is unfit to even stand in Trump’s shadow. And of course brought back from the stench and squalor of Dante’s Inferno, the best, better, and most complete liar, Kellyanne Conway, with her dead pan (if I move a muscle in my face it might implode) face expressing great sadness for the Americans that someone like James Comey could be held at higher esteem as Trump.
Of course I am pissed at the extra unnecessary involvement by the FBI director, but when I listen to those who have become his detractors, and weigh their values, their virtues, their morals and their honesty, HONESTLY I am became a James Comey fan. let the REVOLUTION evolve!