Wednesday, April 11, 2018

once more a committee

It was a giddy site, watching the GOP led Committee grill little Mark Zuckerberg. Finally, the Republican’s found their phantom, the eerie figure who INDEED was the cause for the downfall of democracy. It was like reviving the days of Benghazi, when without the real necessity for facts the Republicans could emerge as soldiers of dignity, certain to find the boogie man who stole our election process from right under the Constitution, you know the piece of paper with the most precious of Amendments, the second one. It was as if back in the glory days when a scapegoat was needed to confuse the American population and Ethel and Julius Rosenberg became the reason why we needed Senator Joe McCarthy and his unAmerican self-serving process of “Are you now or Have you Eve been a Communist” smear campaign. Of course, had Mark Zuckerberg ferreted out the fictional postings and pictures and platitudes all would have been well, and Trump would have still won the election and there could have, would have, NEVER been the silliest of ideas of collusion with the Russians. Glee grabbed the GOP by their empty ball sacks and as Sarah Palin often times lamented, the GOP wanted to shout “Gotcha!”

Except as is the case, all we got from Mark Zuckerberg, who looked like he found his old Bar Mitzvah suit and wanted to impress his grand parents, what we got was that insincere response, of “the buck stops with me, until it doesn’t, and the feign promise most politicians mutter of “IF I hurt you I apologize. The GOP took advantage of debating regulations insisting that the Dodd-Frank regulations never was intended to hurt the Too Big To Fail Banks, just the little guys, and how UnAmerican was that. Absence makes the heart grow weak, and it seemed that none of the GOP cared less that the Airline Industry, the Energy Cartels the Communications Giants have grown and grown and the more so have become unregulated and the consumer, the climate, and common sense have been either laid to waste, or will certainly be laid to wither and rot.

The biggest HA HA, if one considers any of this show and tell facade fun, was the discussion of FAKE NEWS, by the GOP! Fucking Fake news, as if Facebook was totally responsible for its existence…not word ONE regarding the propaganda Network FOX and its leaders lies, Donald Trump. Oh the Republicans love lavish Congressional media events when they think that the public will be gullible to find a monster and haven their tar and feather ready to destroy it.  Promises, were made, none to be kept. But avoidance, distraction, purposeful slight if hand had its day, not in court but in the work wheel of a political party never ready to admit the truth about themselves, but overjoyed to point a finger away from them, knowing the lemming, like the moth will follow the bright shiny object, only to burn to death in doing so, What a side show, why it was one more Benghazi!