Mission Accomplished…yep, fool the foolish lemmings who always need a bad guy, into believing that American might is the only force in the universe that contain evil, and kick the asses of the men dressed in black. Just like owning a bunch of assault weapons, pretend that weaponry is the answer for finding any kind of common ground, as long as YOU, the always received good guy own that ground and all of the ground around it. Certainly Assad is a murderer, certainly Putin has permitted the murders, certainly Iran is as conning as the American Christian Evangelicals in pretending that God is a soldier and only uses the force of missiles to promote his religion…certainly the Syrian Civil War is JUST one more shameful birthmark on mankind, but for Trump, without the permission of the Congress to send our war machine into action, only doing so, at least as I see it, to show off for his base, and to try and deflect from his own heinous history of crime, is as shameful and sinful as ever.
You want to accomplish a mission, find ways to permit the victims of the Syrian massacres to find refuge into this nation. Chemical warfare is horrendous, inhumane, but what of the devastation caused by constant bombing, Mr Trump, you know the weaponry paid and bough by your chum Putin. Trump you have managed to throw most of your most ardent fans under the bus when useful, why not stand for real JUSTICE and call out ALL of the torment and terror your owner of blackmail on you and your family has, Vlad, and draw that line in the sand.
Mission accomplished, is that like letting Scooter Libby off the hook for outing important CIA agents, who had tried to fight the Russian insurgence in the democracies of Europe. Mission accomplished, is that like firing anyone who might have evidence on your lies, your provocations, you mental illness. We are stuck with you Trump, because, those who believe that firing a few missiles at targets in Syria which had been warned ahead of time of their destruction, still believe that destruction is God’s way for America. We are stuck with you Trump because men like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, the Mercer family, the Koch Brothers, Rupert Murdoch, Sheldon Adelson and the Sinclair Family prefer profit over people. There will be one Mission Accomplished, and that is when truth, honor and democracy find heir way to your insidious soul and place you and all of your Crime Family in jail. Then America can and will celebrate a true victory.