And now what? A freak show, permitting politicians to prepare their material for advertisements, when they run for office again! Glimpses of finger-pointing, name-calling, high pitched voices, low guttural sounds, 15 minutes of shame 15 minutes of watching mime’s pretending to speak, a reticent Mueller, looking more like a deer in headlight, wanting the car to crush him, or a Mueller so focused toward right and wrong, he managed to zig or zag in the just the last minute. Did he seem demoralized, was he demonized, did he look drained?
I often wonder how blind people understand the complexity of color. Is seeing red an imaginary idea when someone gets angry? Is blue just an empty emotion you feel? And if you are envious can you actually see the green? Do those words have any meaning when you really can NOT understand the symbolism? Have they wasted communications in which you, the sighted person, try to convince those who cannot see to look anyway? And look at what, exactly!
Truth is told, truth is lied about. Lies are nurtured, but are they natural? If you NEVER want to believe, and as a three-year-old might do, hold your breath until the person telling you WHAT TO believe goes away or you pass out and still refuse…then who is right and who I wrong!
My America has been traded for blackmail, for gluttony, for greed…My America, which never really grew beyond its adolescence has begun to rot. On Wednesday, July 24,2019, there was a slight chance that change for the better might emerge. I fear, that instead, we have been charred, and the dying embers of democracy are slowly but certainly turning to charcoal ash, which will be blown to the wind. Who can we turn to when one side refuses to acknowledge that our nation’s freedoms, equalities, opportunities and inclusion for all have been bought and sold, and the other side, hell-bent on absolutely everything and absolutely nothing, is spinning like whirling black hole?
We all win or we all lose, there is no more middle upon which to concede a victory!