From Sherman Tanks to caravans of missiles, flotillas including every conceivable weapon of Mass Destruction, to Mass Control, Trump wants a Fourth of July Parade as long as his tie, the same length he chooses to both hide his bloat, belly and abysmal self-confidence he owns and lacks. Like Christmas, this disingenuous despot is demonstrating his ability to buy gifts and let someone else pay the actual bills for the bling that brings him his insatiable lust for his elusive masculinity, machismo, and self-admiration. He will be opening his box of Toy Soldiers, just a bunch of plastic men and women, HE THINKS, expendable and if necessary replaceable if pieces of the soldier fall apart or corrode. (It is like those First Responders on 9/11, they are called heroes, but always need to be on top), we know Trump’s disdain for the brave, he likes the John Wayne kind of guy, who never fails or falters, not the kind like John McCain who had the audacity to get captured. Trump also likes the brave, as would a Mafia King or Narco King, the kind of brave in which you sit in your Ivory Tower shout demands and everyone else does the Hard Labor. And speaking of Hard Labor, Trump loves himself the thought that he too could be called Chairman, or Leader for Life, or something more Fascist like Fuhrer.
Be afraid America, not just because the GOP lemmings are permitting this Banana Republic to happen (of course at the cost of silly things like Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, Food Stamps, Education, and the Environment, BUT once the tanks arrive, it is anyone’s guess when they will leave…both figuratively and literally! A Little Man desires greatness, and he can only assume his power at the bully pulpit and has demonstrated in every other possible situation how inept, uneducated, and unempathetic to the Circle of Life he can be. I grow more afraid as Trump grows more powerful because NO ONE has successfully stood up AGAINST him with enough will and grit.
“Tin soldiers and Nixon’s comin, we’re finally on our own. This summer I hear the drummin,
Four dead in Ohio. Gotta get down to it, soldiers are gunning us down. Should have been done
long ago. What if you knew her, and found her dead on the ground? How can you run when you know?” (Ohio/Neil Young) We pretend the past is behind us and will stay put. We lock it in a tin box place it on the highest shelf or under the darkest corners of the bed. No use for the truth, that was then and this now, how quickly the past returns creating a horrid future!