And one more thing…as I get ready for the day…wondering whatever else the…distractions Trump will offer, to mangle the realities of this nation! It just doesn’t matter to Trump what he says or does, he has no sense of time because he has always been permitted to live in a bubble, protected by the wannabe’, the grabbers and grifters, and empty users who understand that empathy is not actually a positive trait, but a rut in the road to greed and gluttony.
“Love it or leave it,” ahh yes during the Nixon created Viet Nam War the chant of “Love it or leave it burned brightly on the tubes of our television sets. Good guys would go to war without question, and bad guys were Communists, the enemy. Die for the nation but never truly know why. So now four women of color WILL become the face of the Dem Party, and if you love America and are white, you too will recognize that dark pigmentation is evil so you will follow the orders of an Orange man. No affordable health care, paying more in taxes while the wealthy won’t, poor drinking water, air control, and an environment full of toxins, all okay because the Caucasian Emperor has fed you the line, that black and brown people telling you differently don’t love this nation. And if you have never ever found favor within yourself, you too will chant, “Love it or leave it,” even if you have provided not one iota of energy to make this nation a place of equality!
And for the laugh line is Little Lindsey Graham calling the four women of color, Communists…this deserves a bold and in all Caps WTF. Communist…Putin hacks the elections, Oligarchs pay McConnell money to build factories in Kentucky, the NRA has received dark money from various Russian agencies. Trump has followed almost every Russian Military plan to screw America, and many GOP leaders disagree with our own Intelligence Agencies of Russia’s past involvement in our elections and our current election process. But now it is becoming the 70’s and you either “Love it or leave it!”