Dressed in their ties and suits (and don’t be surprised, if once a week Kellyanne does not send a squad of Border Patrol or ICE agents into their home’s to check if the ties say Trump Made in China), and their dresses with just the right touch of Russian Red Saudi Arabia Blue, and the Whites of Kim Jung-Un’s eyes, the cowardly coven of clowns pretending to BE ALL THAT and MORE bite their tongues, pull out their backbones, and pour acid on what may be left of their souls. Republican politicians ALL becoming the litter box for a soon to be DICTATOR of the US, ALL becoming fodder for the most pathetic of people to have EVER been created from the decedents of vile, venomous, evil demons…Trump.
From Mittens Romney, John McCain’s angry ex-lover, Lindsey Graham, Marco cry baby Rubio, to whomever YOUR GOP Senator happened to be hacked into office, NOT A ONE HAS the conscience, the guts, the used to be American decency to tell Trump YOU ARE the enemy of the state. The minions of MAGA, like cockroaches in a very dark and dank NYC tenement house apartment once the lights are turned on, are at the ready to crawl ALL over these men and women, who have reduced themselves to useless taxpayer paid servants of Emperor Trump!
A new form of enemy, we know, those of us who care, I no longer include the intelligent, because as long as Trump pretends he is a friend of Israel/continues to cut taxes, so that only the peasants pay them/depletes the environment for profits/ and of course only ordains Federal judges whose hypocritical beliefs that their Bible beats the Constitution on the laws of the land…those whose intelligence used to matter, are the same putty in Trump’s Hands as are the sad sack orange manure lickers of the Republican Congress. But Trump's handlers are a smart group of Nazis’, they know the GOP will remain silent a UNITED kind of SILENT. They also know that the Dems will demonstrate outbursts of infighting, and confusion will reign within the Dem Party. If history books are ever written after Trump’s second administration, these see hear and speak no evil against Trump treasonous Traitors will have volumes written about them.
Hate works wonders when the response is silence