“Is that all there is, is that all there is If that's all there is my friends, then let's keep dancing Let's break out the booze and have a ball If that's all there is”(Is That All There Is/Leiber and Stoller)
Now the DHS is worried that conditions in the Concentrations Camps along the Southern Border are REALLY, dangerous to the health and welfare of the kidnapped children trying to survive…But then Trump has taken yet another Tax Payer vacation to play golf…The Border Patrol and ICE agents are just following orders, and rounding up more asylum seekers, but did have the Fourth of July as a day off to celebrate a revolution which was supposed to bring freedom to a new land…Almost three dozen Dems are vying for the title of Presidential Candidate for 2020, pretending that since absolutely nothing, did I say NOTHING of real value, has been put in place to stop the Russian Invasion AGAIN of our voting systems and our polling places. The KKK, Nazi’s, and White Supremacy are a thing again, actually common verbiage in today’s conversation, and no Republican has spoken negatively about the hate, racism, and anti-everything and everybody these groups bring to this nation! The Trump/Kushner Klan are doing deals with nations, traveling on Tax Payer money, and fucking the Constitution and the people of America as they consider America a branch of the Trump Corporation!
As usual, the Dem leadership is becoming afraid of their own shadow and trying to silence the few brave souls in Congress who want to treat the Republicans in the same snarky way the GOP handles the Democrats. Ringing of fingers, Talking to Talking Heads, Making pronouncements full of words but no meaning or power behind them, the leadership falls, stumbles and almost gets sea sick with their flips and their flops on a STRONG OFFENSE toward the malicious, illegal, immoral and malignant disregard Trump has for the laws of the land. Oh yeah and one more story after another regarding just how stupid Trump is (as if we didn’t know), how his friends either have sex with underage girls, launder money or pay no taxes, and how the SPAWN of DON hoping they too can follow in the steps Kim Jong-un, whose rise to power ONLY happened because his grandfather claimed to be President for Eternity.
“Is that all there is, is that all there is If that's all there is my friends, then let's keep dancing Let's break out the booze and have a ball If that's all there is”(Is That All There Is/Leiber and Stoller) Cause if this IS the present, then the future is a bleak, bleak black hole leading to HELL!